
I’m around. Just been tired lately so I haven’t felt much like blogging.

BUT. Something has brought me out of my blogging funk and that is…


Oh, yes. I just came back from watching it. 😀 In the theatre. On opening day. With Rob. Look how much fun he had!

The picture is super blurry… I was rushing because Rob was yelling at me to hurry up. Oh well. You can still tell that he’s standing with the huge HSM3 cut-out in the lobby of the movie theatre. 🙂

Anyway. Back to the movie. I LOVED it. It was SO much fun. The musical numbers were huge productions — they were bigger and brighter with dazzling choreography and lots of props and costumes to tease the eye.

Spoilery thoughts.

My biggest criticism of the movie is the plot. It was a TOTAL rehash of the first movie (Sharpay’s scheming, Troy’s conflict between theatre and basketball). I didn’t really expect any mind-blowing storylines but they could have at least tried for some originality. OH! The 3 new characters that were introduced were all terrible. I don’t know if it’s been officially announced yet but I am SO not watching High School Musical 4 if these newbies are in it. Not that I’m in the target demographic anyway.

Random stuff:
— I was totally scared that Gabriella’s dress would fly up during “Can I Have This Dance?”
— Little Chad and Troy were OMGSOCUTE.
— I am so jealous of Gabriella’s dress wardrobe. I adored them all.
— OMG. Chad (Corbin Bleu) looks SO MUCH older in this movie. No more baby face.
— Only Ryan can pull off hot pink pants.
— Zac Efron is a cutie.

— Lots of Troy and Gabriella. I know they’re almost sickeningly sweet but I love them so.
— Troy choosing UC Berkeley! I’m totally taking that as a shout-out to ME. Heh. Although the distance between Cal and Stanford (Gabriella’s chosen college) is a little more than 32.7 miles. It’s about 40 miles. Come on — couldn’t they have gotten some production assistant to look this up on Google Maps or something?
— Kelsi AND Ryan getting Juilliard scholarships. Ryan is THE BEST.
— All the huge production numbers, particularly “Now or Never,” “Can I Have This Dance?,” “Boys Are Back,” “Just Wanna Be With You,” and “A Night To Remember.” SO FUN.
— But my absolute favorite moment was the ending where each of the 6 main characters got their close-ups before the curtain closed on them. Taylor and Sharpay totally looked like they were going to cry. This was so sweet.

For the record, my favorite HSM movie is still the first. The third movie is a very close second. Argh, I can’t wait until this comes out on DVD! For now, I’m downloading the soundtrack from iTunes.