american dreams finale

I’m listening to Christmas music right now. LOL. I’m so ready for the holiday season… it’s definitely my most favorite time of the year. I’ve even started my Christmas shopping. HEE!

I downloaded all 13 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire clips from The Leaky Cauldron and NONE of them had sound for me. Grrr. I guess I’m not meant to spoil myself for the movie, hee. (And Sarah, you’re totally right — the movie comes out on Nov 18. I’m just too excited! I can’t wait any longer, lol).

I think I have a new favorite celebrity couple — Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling. I had absolutely NO CLUE that they were dating until I saw the cute pictures of them grocery shopping. Aww. It’s like Noah and Allie come to life!

An entry wouldn’t be complete without some TV stuff (possible spoilers ahead)…

Am I totally out of the loop? Has Kitchen Confidential been cancelled?

Prison Break is getting another 2 hour Monday event tomorrow so it has me wondering…

Everwood 4.05, Connect Four
This episode made me so happy. I am totally back on the Amy/Ephram train. Not that I ever really stopped loving them… it’s just that after the end of last season, I haven’t actually liked Ephram, which makes it pretty hard to ‘ship them. But as soon as he revealed to Andy that he came back because he’s still in love with Amy, I just melted. That said, I also like Reid/Amy. I was smiling so big during their first kiss. It was so sweet. I’m still not sold on Bright/Hannah but I am beginning to like them. Is that weird? Like, I still feel like they have nothing in common but I can appreciate their scenes now, particularly the one at the end of the episode when Hannah looked so happy to see Bright and he gazed down at her with such a sweet look (aww). Or maybe I’m starting to like them because I foresee a painful break-up? I do love angst, you know. Anyway, my favorite scene of the episode was when Bright was talking to Ephram about breaking up with Hannah. Those two have come so far since last season. I’m so proud. Plus, I just love the way Tom Amandes directed that scene…. with the camera looking up at B/E and the gorgeous mountain backdrop. Soooo pretty.

Grey’s Anatomy
I thought I was all about Derek/Meredith but I’ve learned… it’s ALL about Burke/Cristina. At the end of episode 2.04, when Burke got into bed with Cristina and held her, I think I might have swooned. That was one of the sweetest and most romantic scenes ever. I’m serious. I want those two crazy kids to work out.

One Tree Hill
Haley better not have kissed Chris at the Halloween party. How could he have known Nathan was going as Batman anyway? UGH. So I downloaded Peyton’s podcasts from iTunes out of curiosity and they’re okay. Nothing exciting, especially since Hilarie Burton has kind of a monotone voice. It’s actually an interesting way of tying the show to real life. In the first one, she talks through her feelings about her current storyline with Ellie and in the second one, she talks about music as a part of her life. If you’re not a Peyton fan, I’d skip it.

And for American Dreams fans, there was a good update on the extended finale on Ask Ausiello this week (Thanks to Robyn for the head’s up!)…

Continue reading

oc + reunion

So… TV.

The O.C.
The O.C. premiere was shiny. And pretty. And I liked it (plus the music selection was positively amazing for this episode). It looks like the show is returning to the relationships of the core characters, which is just fine with me. I thought last season suffered because there were too many characters that screamed “short term plot device.” The one character I will miss is Trey… admittedly I wasn’t his biggest fan but why’d he have to leave? 🙁 I was hoping to see more of his relationship with Ryan. There’s not nearly enough “Chino” in Ryan anymore. I already don’t like the Kirstin stalker storyline. Ehhh.

The first thing I thought when I saw Will Estes was that American Dreams really isn’t coming back this season. *sob*

Once I was over that, I realized that this is a really bad show. Really interesting concept (I do love a good mystery) but horrible execution. The cheesy dialogue didn’t help. Or the unsympathetic characters. I especially disliked Aaron and Craig. Didn’t care for any of the girls (Amanda Righetti on ANOTHER FOX show — they really seem to love her). Only liked Will because it was Will Estes. You know, the residual American Dreams love and all. I’ll probably watch a few more episodes… until CSI and Everwood start. It’s in a tough time slot so let’s see if it survives. Though I doubt it.

Anyway, after seeing Will Estes, I was feeling nostalgic for American Dreams so I popped in my DVDs this weekend. I watched/listened to the commentaries on the pilot and the finale and I think I adore the cast even more than I did before. They all resemble their characters in some way, they’re all good friends, and they all absolutely love their show. Awww. On the pilot commentary with Brittany Snow (Meg) and Vanessa Lengies (Roxanne), they would quote the dialogue verbatim, even poking fun at themselves that they had watched the pilot numerous times. They were also fawning over the scene where JJ blows a kiss to Beth who is watching his football practice from the sidelines. OMGSOCUTE! I love those two. *sniff* I SO miss this show.

I really need to do a Book Update soon. Too bad I’m not even close to 50 books. Not even at HALF yet. How embarrassing.

oc promo + fandom meme

I’m currently trying to update my resume. What a complete PAIN. UGH. It’s driving me crazy. I wasn’t actively looking for a job (I’m actually very content working on the sales side of advertising) but one of my contacts at an agency I work with approached me about possibly taking a job there as an Asst. Media Planner, which would be the planning and buying side of the industry. I was really flattered when I was asked and then I found myself seriously considering the offer… I’ve always toyed with the idea about moving over to the agency side but never gave it serious thought until now. The only problem is that I would have to take a severe pay cut (which I’m SO not happy about and I’m not even sure I can afford to — living in the Bay Area is expensive) but the opportunity may be worth it in the long run. I don’t really know what to do. I’ve only told a few people I trust at work (don’t want to raise any red flags if I don’t have to) and the advice I’ve been given has been mixed. Argh. I’ve decided to at least take an interview so we’ll see what happens…

Ok. Back to the regularly-scheduled fangirliness.

I just saw the promo for season 3 of The O.C.. AWWW. I’m such a sucker for pretty people playing on the beach. I’m so ready for the new TV season to start. I’m tired of reruns and reality shows!

I love memes (mostly because I can blog without *really* blogging, hee)…

Five by Five TV Fandom Meme
A) List Five of your TV Fandom Favorites
[Doesn’t have to be your top 5, just five of your favorites.]
1. Which makes you cry the most?
2. Which makes you laugh the most?
3. Which makes you gasp outloud/talk to your TV the most?
4. Which do you do the most art for?
5. Which will/do you miss the most?
B) For each of your favorites, list the following:
1. Favorite Episode
2. Favorite Character
3. Favorite Premiere
4. Favorite Finale
5. Why is it one of your favorites?

A) List Five of your TV Fandom Favorites
Dawson’s Creek, Everwood, The OC, Veronica Mars, American Dreams
1. Which makes you cry the most? Everwood. Hands down. I don’t think I’ve ever cried so much for a TV show as I did for the season 2 premiere. Guh.
2. Which makes you laugh the most? The OC. Sometimes it’s the witty dialogue and sometimes it’s the completely unbelievable scenarios (most of the time involving Marissa).
3. Which makes you gasp outloud/talk to your TV the most? Veronica Mars
4. Which do you do the most art for? Dawson’s Creek. When I was making art (I’m kinda lazy now, heh), I just felt the most inspired by DC.
5. Which will/do you miss the most? American Dreams. It was cancelled WAY before its time.

Dawson’s Creek
1. Favorite Episode: Episode 615, Castaways. An entire episode devoted to Pacey and Joey. How could I not love it?
2. Favorite Character: Jen
3. Favorite Premiere: Tie between the Pilot (so many classic scenes) and the season 4 premiere, Coming Home (Pacey and Joey still in love after their whirlwind summer *sigh*).
4. Favorite Finale: Season 3, True Love. Joey running to the dock to tell Pacey she’s in love with him and then running away for the summer together remains one of my favorite scenes from the show ever.
5. Why is it one of your favorites? It was the first show I really LOVED. I feel very connected to it… maybe because in my mind I link it to my college years? All I know is that I continue to watch the show on DVD and in reruns and love it as much (or maybe even more) as I did when it was still on the air.

1. Favorite Episode: Episode 107, We Hold These Truths. Colin’s first episode and I was immediately in love. Plus, the flashbacks of Amy, Colin and Bright are so adorable.
2. Favorite Character: Can’t choose between Colin and Amy. They’re the best.
3. Favorite Premiere: Season 2, The Last of Summer. I cried like there was no tomorrow.
4. Favorite Finale: Season 1, Home. Notice how I love everything that involves Colin?
5. Why is it one of your favorites? The show isn’t afraid to address controversial topics (ie. abortion episode in s1, Ephram losing his virginity to an older girlfriend in s2). Not to mention that the characters are played by an amazingly talented cast. I always wish the show would receive more recognition than it does.

The OC
1. Favorite Episode: Pilot episode. Nothing can beat Ryan’s introduction to the world of Orange County. Welcome to the OC, bitch!
2. Favorite Character: I’m torn. I love Ryan and Summer equally.
3. Favorite Premiere: Season 2, The Distance. I just love the cab scene in Portland when Ryan and Seth run back to each other. They are so in love.
4. Favorite Finale: Season 2, The Dearly Beloved. A tragic episode that injected some life into the show and created great momentum for season 3.
5. Why is it one of your favorites? Pretty people in beautiful southern CA creating drama for themselves. What more do you want?

Veronica Mars
1. Favorite Episode: Episode 110, An Echolls Family Christmas. Duncan/Weevil/Logan interaction. YAY.
2. Favorite Character: Veronica
3. Favorite Premiere: n/a. While I enjoyed the pilot, I don’t particularly think it’s a great or strong episode. It took about 4 or 5 episodes for the show to really grow on me.
4. Favorite Finale: Season 1, Leave it to Beaver. Ahhh, the culmination of the season’s biggest mystery. Sooo satisfying.
5. Why is it one of your favorites? Love the mix of teenage drama and mystery.

American Dreams
1. Favorite Episode: Pilot. The teaser is probably one of my most favorites of any show. Ever. All the characters are introduced in a short time and all I want is to get to know them. I especially loved the way the teaser ended on Meg’s smiling face as she danced along to American Bandstand. So great.
2. Favorite Character: Meg. Her hopes and dreams for “something more” is something I can definitely relate to.
3. Favorite Premiere: See above regarding the Pilot episode.
4. Favorite Finale: Season 1, City on Fire. Meg and Sam caught in the middle of race riots. *sniff*
5. Why is it one of your favorites? A great ensemble cast and superb storytelling. I miss it so.

meme time

I’m back… and on the new server. YAY. Still not done with some of the file transfers, though. What a pain.

I finally picked up the American Dreams season 1 DVDs. I love this show. And I’m still SO mad at NBC for cancelling it. The story wasn’t over for the Pryors and the Walkers yet. *sniff* And to think the end of the show featured Meg running away with Chris. UGH. Ok, I have to stop thinking about it. Oh! I did spot Kristen Bell in episode 116, Act of Contrition. It’s always cool when my fandoms collide.

Thought I would do some memes (I stole them from… somewhere)…

List five songs that you are currently digging.
1. Don’t Lie, Black-Eyed Peas
2. My Style, Black-Eyed Peas – Squee, Justin Timberlake is on this track!
3. Lose Control, Missy Elliott
4. Cool, Gwen Stefani – I adore the video to this song too.
5. Gone Going, Black-Eyed Peas
I’m obviously on a huge BEP kick right now. Monkey Business is a great album.

Interactive Meme — you all absolutely have to comment with the following (pretty please :P) —
Hair Color:
TV shows you’ll be watching next season:
New TV shows you’ll be trying this season:
First fandom:
Latest fandom:
Favorite song of the day:
Favorite movie of the day:
Favorite food of the day:
Favorite website of the day:
Currently obsessed with:
Favorite Blog-that’s-not-your-own of the day:

And my answers —
Name: Kelly
Hair Color: Black
Location: Northern California
TV shows you’ll be watching next season: Everwood, Smallville, Gilmore Girls, One Tree Hill, Lost, Alias, The OC, Desperate Housewives, Grey’s Anatomy, Veronica Mars
New TV shows you’ll be trying this season: Kitchen Confidential, Supernatural (Jensen Ackles!)
First fandom: Dawson’s Creek
Latest fandom: Veronica Mars
Favorite song of the day: Don’t Lie, Black-Eyed Peas
Favorite movie of the day: Garfield. Only because it’s on HBO right now.
Favorite food of the day: Special K with Red Berries
Favorite website of the day: Fanbolt Forums. I’m trolling around for spoilers, hehe.
Currently obsessed with: September fashion magazines. I love Fall fashion.
Favorite Blog-that’s-not-your-own of the day: Meg’s Cabot Blog. She’s freaking hilarious.

hp and the goblet of fire trailer

The Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire trailer is online. So. Much. SQUEE. The shots of the trio from the past movies are so cute. Plus, the Harry/Hermione shipper in me loved seeing Hermione yell for Harry when he was fighting the dragon (or at least, I think — it was a very brief shot). Aww. I can’t wait for November.

On a sad note, it looks like American Dreams has been cancelled (this is Chad Darnell’s blog — a guy who used to work on casting for the show — he also works on Lost and Alias so his entries are always fun to read). 🙁 I’m so disappointed in NBC. But even more than that, I’m really sad that the season finale ended up being the series finale. It just doesn’t feel right to have the show end with Meg leaving the way she did. *sigh* There’s no other way to say it so… this sucks.

I started making caps of my Dawson’s Creek season 5 DVDs for High Anxiety and wow, it’s kinda painful, lol. This is my least favorite season — horrible storylines and annoying new characters (Karen, Professor Wilder) — make these episodes tough for me to watch again. However, I’m actually warming up to Audrey again (her downward spiral in season 6 really killed the character for me) and also enjoying Charlie, played by none other than Chad Michael Murray. Hee. But maybe that’s because I keep thinking he’s Lucas from One Tree Hill, except with hair. But I’ve only watched the first 2 episodes so we’ll see how the rest of it goes…
Hope everyone’s having a great weekend!

TV ships meme

Hopping on the bandwagon…

1. Post a list of 10 TV shows you watch/ed (current or cancelled).
2. Have your friends list guess your favorite pairing from each show.
3. When guessed, bold the line & write a sentence about why you like that pairing.
4. Post in your own livejournal blog.

This should be pretty easy, right? Note that I only picked 1 pairing per show…

1. Dawson’s Creek – Pacey/Joey (guessed by Jessica, Robyn, and Nicola)
My ALL-TIME favorite ship. It’s the sweetness and the sarcasm. I just love how their rough edges break down when they’re together.

2. Everwood – Ephram/Amy (guessed by Jessica and Nicola)
Colin/Amy were my original ship on this show but Ephram/Amy were the ones who stayed with me.

3. American Dreams – Sam/Meg
4. 24 – Tony/Michelle (guessed by Jessica, Robyn, and Nicola)
He committed treason for her! That’s love, people!

5. One Tree Hill – Nathan/Haley (guessed by Jessica
I’m not completely loving them right now (stupid Haley!) but I do love their story. How he only went after her to make Lucas angry and ended up falling in love… Aww.

6. The O.C. – Seth/Summer (guessed by Robyn and Nicola)
I don’t know if it’s the prettiness or the playful banter, but they always make me smile.

7. Alias – Syd/Vaughn (guessed by Jessica and Robyn)
I know they’ve kinda fizzled out in the last season or so but… they’re so pretty! And they have such an easy chemistry with each other.

8. Smallville – Lex/Lana (guessed by Robyn)
They have so much potential! And they have far more in common than initially meets the eye. (Or maybe I’ve just read too many of Christie’s fics. Hee).

9. Felicity – Felicity/Noel

10. Friends – Chandler/Monica (guessed by Robyn)
Chandler and his dry wit. Monica and her neuroses. Fantastic.

Guess away! Yay, thanks for guessing! 🙂

jrm on tv

I am still in shock about Jessica being voted off American Idol. I didn’t see that coming at all. She was ROBBED. America, you are killing me!

And then Meg leaving with Chris on the season finale of American Dreams?!? What was she thinking? What does she see in Chris? I never found his character to be the least bit likable. I so wanted to slap some sense into her… except that I was in near tears while she was shooting the commercial for Jack (so bittersweet in hindsight) and saying farewell to Rox. *sniff* I will be so upset (SO UPSET) if this episode turns out to be the series finale. Don’t let me down, NBC.

So then I’m watching CSI tonight and what do I see? A commercial for that TV movie about Elvis Presley starring none other than Jonathan Rhys-Meyers!!! SQUEE. He looks gooooood. Oh yes, he does. See here. *sigh* I’m counting down the days until May 8.

oc renewed!

I totally called the results on American Idol!!! MWAHAHAHA.

The O.C. has officially been renewed for a third season! YAY! I also came across this great cast interview/panel hosted by The Academy Television Arts & Scienes called The O.C. Revealed. It’s pretty long (about an hour) and the interviewer asked some really random questions but it was fun to see the actors and producers interact and speak about their characters and the storylines. Two things that I remember in particular — Josh Schwartz commented on wanting to keep Alex around (Olivia Wilde) but she had some offers and they weren’t ready to make her a series regular. Huh. I liked Alex but I can’t even imagine how the dynamic would have changed between the teens if she had stayed on. Also, Peter Gallagher mentioned that there was more response to the Sandy/Kirsten/Rebecca storyline than the kiss between Alex and Marissa. I’m not surprised. I think fans really love Sandy/Kirsten’s marriage. Anyway, check it out if you have time.

Now for some American Dreams comments…

Guh. Chris returned. *sigh* After watching the really sweet scene of Meg, Rox, Sam and Luke hanging out and listening to the Rollingstones in the parking lot, Meg had to go home to find Chris at her doorstep. %$#@! I can’t believe next week’s episode is the season finale (possible series finale as well) and they’re going to be devoting time to his relationship with Meg. I’m really disappointed.

I am incredibly jealous of this girl who won the grand prize in the Godiva Valentine’s Day promotion. She received 52 boxes of Godiva chocolates and 52 pairs of Manolo Blahnik shoes. Can you imagine all the gorgeous shoes AND the year’s supply of chocolate-covered strawberries? *dies*


Some TV thoughts (and spoilers, of course)…

American Idol
I TOTALLY called that Lindsey was going to go home on American Idol tonight. But I was really surprised to see Jessica in the bottom three. I didn’t expect that at all. Mikalah, yes. Jessica, no. When it was down to Jessica, Vonzell and Nikko, I really thought it was going to be Nikko in the bottom three (not that I wanted him there or anything — I really like him!). Anyway, I agree with the voting — Lindsey had a great smoky kind of voice (and I thought she was beautiful) but she really seemed out of her league.

I have mixed feelings about tonight’s episode. I really enjoyed Sam (it was the guy from Freaks and Geeks!) and his interaction with Syd on the mission but the biometric target helicopter thing-y? Was so lame. Syd’s fake nose in the teaser was also pretty bad. Next week looks promising though.

American Dreams
Last week’s episode was sooo good. I loved seeing Sam and Meg hanging out and discovering their feelings for each other (especially at the concert when Sam put his arm around her — *gush*)… and as much as I really want them together, I understood when they had to put a stop to their romantic relationship before anything started. I think that’s what I love about this show. It doesn’t sacrifice reality for a short term storyline payoff. I do hope the show will get a chance for a 4th season because I really think there’s much more to explore with Sam, Meg and their families. I can’t believe there’s only 2 more episodes left. *sniff* Damn NBC for cutting the season short.

Not sure why but I went and bought myself another domain — let me introduce I thought it might be a good idea to have some space elsewhere just in case my current server decides to explode. Plus, it was a good deal! I have no idea what I’m going to do it with it yet, though. lol.

american dreams on wed?

I can’t believe NBC moved American Dreams to Wednesdays at 8pm (extra special thanks to Barry for letting me know about it). WEDNESDAYS! The day when I watch 4 (FOUR!) shows — Lost, Alias, Smallville, American Idol. Sometimes I’ll even watch Jack and Bobby on Wednesdays but luckily the WB reruns the show on Sundays (phew!). I guess I’m going to have to set both the Tivo and the VCR if I’m going to keep up with my Wednesday shows. ANYWAY. Is NBC trying to KILL the show?! It’s barely getting any viewers on Sundays when it’s against Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, how do they expect it to perform any better when it’s against Lost and American Idol?! I’m so upset. It’s such an amazing show and it seems like it may not get another season. I’m crossing my fingers for more Sam/Meg scenes!

In site news, Alie and I have decided to close the Everwood Network. 🙁 We both just got too busy with other projects (not to mention real life stuff) and had to let something go.

And now for a meme stolen from Amanda

The Redundant Basics
I. What does the name say on your birth certificate? Kelly Ann
II. What is the name that all your friends call you by? Kel or Kelly
III. What day of the year do you blow out the candles? October 11
IV. Which country authorized your passport? USA
V. What are your Zodiac and Chinese signs? Libra, Sheep
VI. In terms of politics, do you sit on the right or the left? Left
VII. Look in the mirror. The color of your hair is what? Black
VIII. Look in the mirror one more time, what color are your eyes? Dark brown
IX. Hop on the weighing scales! How far did the number jump past 0? *mumble* I have some weight issues. 😛
X. Stand up straight! How high up is the top of your head from the ground? 5’2″ — I’m so short!

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