I’m listening to Christmas music right now. LOL. I’m so ready for the holiday season… it’s definitely my most favorite time of the year. I’ve even started my Christmas shopping. HEE!
I downloaded all 13 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire clips from The Leaky Cauldron and NONE of them had sound for me. Grrr. I guess I’m not meant to spoil myself for the movie, hee. (And Sarah, you’re totally right — the movie comes out on Nov 18. I’m just too excited! I can’t wait any longer, lol).
I think I have a new favorite celebrity couple — Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling. I had absolutely NO CLUE that they were dating until I saw the cute pictures of them grocery shopping. Aww. It’s like Noah and Allie come to life!
An entry wouldn’t be complete without some TV stuff (possible spoilers ahead)…
Am I totally out of the loop? Has Kitchen Confidential been cancelled?
Prison Break is getting another 2 hour Monday event tomorrow so it has me wondering…
Everwood 4.05, Connect Four
This episode made me so happy. I am totally back on the Amy/Ephram train. Not that I ever really stopped loving them… it’s just that after the end of last season, I haven’t actually liked Ephram, which makes it pretty hard to ‘ship them. But as soon as he revealed to Andy that he came back because he’s still in love with Amy, I just melted. That said, I also like Reid/Amy. I was smiling so big during their first kiss. It was so sweet. I’m still not sold on Bright/Hannah but I am beginning to like them. Is that weird? Like, I still feel like they have nothing in common but I can appreciate their scenes now, particularly the one at the end of the episode when Hannah looked so happy to see Bright and he gazed down at her with such a sweet look (aww). Or maybe I’m starting to like them because I foresee a painful break-up? I do love angst, you know. Anyway, my favorite scene of the episode was when Bright was talking to Ephram about breaking up with Hannah. Those two have come so far since last season. I’m so proud. Plus, I just love the way Tom Amandes directed that scene…. with the camera looking up at B/E and the gorgeous mountain backdrop. Soooo pretty.
Grey’s Anatomy
I thought I was all about Derek/Meredith but I’ve learned… it’s ALL about Burke/Cristina. At the end of episode 2.04, when Burke got into bed with Cristina and held her, I think I might have swooned. That was one of the sweetest and most romantic scenes ever. I’m serious. I want those two crazy kids to work out.
One Tree Hill
Haley better not have kissed Chris at the Halloween party. How could he have known Nathan was going as Batman anyway? UGH. So I downloaded Peyton’s podcasts from iTunes out of curiosity and they’re okay. Nothing exciting, especially since Hilarie Burton has kind of a monotone voice. It’s actually an interesting way of tying the show to real life. In the first one, she talks through her feelings about her current storyline with Ellie and in the second one, she talks about music as a part of her life. If you’re not a Peyton fan, I’d skip it.
And for American Dreams fans, there was a good update on the extended finale on Ask Ausiello this week (Thanks to Robyn for the head’s up!)…