my own personal meme

So it’s a good thing I got a new computer when I did because I tried to boot up my old laptop this past Monday and I got the Windows blue screen of DEATH. Rob tried to resuscitate the poor thing but it was too late. 🙁 Luckily I had already saved all my music and important files to my external hard drive so I only lost a few miscellaneous things. Phew. That was a close one.

OMG OMG OMG! Everwood: Season 2 is finally coming out on DVD. I’m so pre-ordering it right now.

Now a meme…
Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.

Sarah gave me the following:

1. Gossip Girl

My favorite show of the moment (though sadly I’m a few episodes behind). I’m addicted to teen dramas and GG fits the bill perfectly. What’s not to love about gorgeous Upper East Siders, their relationship dramas and overly extravagant lifestyles? Nothing, I tell you. Blair is my favorite character by far. Her insecurities (about Serena, her mom, boys, etc) make her self-obsessed, stubborn and sometimes cruel but I find her to be a fiercely loyal and incredibly compelling and flawed character. Not to mention that she’s got great style! I became (and still am) obsessed with headbands and colored tights because of her. No, I’m not kidding.

As far as my shipping preferences on this show, I’m pretty traditional. I ADORE Blair and Chuck (they are smoking together). And I also like Dan and Serena. I don’t know why either. I like Serena well enough as an individual character but I have to admit that Dan kinda sucks. But for some reason, I find them really sweet together.

Anyway, I’m so happy this show was renewed for next season — I just need to get cracking and get caught up.

2. Teen Dramas

Ah, yes. Sarah knows me well. Teen dramas are my favorite kind of TV show. I love them. I’m drawn to them. I can’t help it. It all started back when 90210 premiered. I was only 11 so I wasn’t supposed to watch it since it wasn’t exactly age-appropriate but I did anyway. I loved the West Beverly crew and I had a huge crush on Brandon. I remember buying BOP magazine each month because they used to have so many “posters” of Jason Priestley. Hee.

Then in high school when the WB launched, it was like they created a network for ME! The WB gave me Buffy, Dawson’s Creek (my most favorite show ever, if you don’t know), Felicity, Roswell, One Tree Hill and Gilmore Girls to name a few. Sure, I watch and enjoy procedurals and dramas like CSI, 24, and Prison Break but I’m not as invested in (and as obsessed with) the storylines and characters as I am with my teen dramas. There’s just something about them.

3. Diesel

My little baby puppy. Ok, I have to admit that when Rob originally wanted to get a dog, I didn’t want to get one. I didn’t want the responsibility. But Rob had his heart set on it so I agreed. He found Diesel through a registered AKC breeder and we went to visit him one weekend in May 07 and my heart just melted. I love him so much.

4. Pacey/Joey

My OTP forever and ever. (One True Pairing :D) I don’t know if I’ll ever love another TV couple as much as I love Pacey and Joey. Their journey took me by surprise and I loved watching every minute of it — their sarcastic banter (all of season 1), their genuine friendship (dance lessons, driving lessons, the B&B), and finally their romance (“I remember everything” dance, Pacey buying Joey a wall, sailing away on True Love). Even now, 6 years after Dawson’s Creek has gone off the air, I still pop in my DVDs to watch my favorite moments or visit Pages of True Love to get my fanfic fix. I don’t think I’ll ever change.

5. California

I’ve lived in beautiful California my entire life. I was born and raised in sunny Southern CA (in a sleepy town called Cerritos, to be exact). I moved up to the Bay Area for college where I ended up staying for 11+ years. And now I’m back in Orange County (no, my life is nothing like The OC). I feel very lucky to have experienced different parts of the state and I can’t imagine living anywhere else.

That was fun!

season finales, part 4

Still trying to finish up on my season finale commentaries. I briefly thought about giving up since, I don’t know… THE NEW SEASON HAS STARTED. But I can’t give up. So…


It’s over. It’s really over. *sniff* But I’m glad the show went out the way it did. I absolutely LOVED the series finale. After it initially aired, I think I must have watched it a million times that week. It was a very fitting and well done ending. There wasn’t much that I didn’t love so I want to get that out of the way first…

Things I Wish Were Different
— Despite being 2 hours, the finale felt a little rushed. But I only have The CW to blame for that.
— Hannah going to Colorado A&M. I wish she had believed in herself enough to choose Notre Dame.
— Nina being the one to initiate her break-up with Jake. I wish that storyline was resolved prior to the finale. If only because it felt a little like whiplash seeing her with Andy at the end.
— I missed the ending narration. 🙁 But I found this entry on LJ, where one fan has written his/her own version of a narration. It would have been perfect.

Favorite Moments:
— Nina and Hannah tossing the engagement ring back and forth in Andy’s bedroom. Hilarious!
— Andy at Julia’s grave. *sob*
— Drunk Amy at the Bat Mitzvah. HEE!
— Delia getting her horse. I love the continuity!
— Andy’s proposal to Nina.
— Bright and Hannah’s scene on the hilltop. I’ve never really been a fan of their relationship but I liked that they kept the possibility of the future in the air. And their hug! It was one of those hugs that are really tight and meaningful. Best Friends for life. Awww.
— Dr. Abbott and Rose getting the baby.
— Amy’s flashbacks to all her moments with Ephram.
— Amy’s grand gesture. Go Amy! I loved seeing her go after Ephram after all the times he’s laid his feelings on the line for her. I loved seeing her look terrified and hopeful and beautiful all at the same time as she was standing in front of the ferris wheel. And Ephram’s stunned reaction was classic. Gawd, I love them!
*sniff* I think I need to rewatch the finale…

Gilmore Girls
I used to be indifferent to Rory/Logan but the finale turned me right around. I absolutely loved their scenes and I have to admit to crying during their goodbye scene. They were the most mature I’ve seen in a long time. As for Luke and Lorelai, I’m over them. I just don’t love them the way the fandom does so my loyalties are flexible. It’s too bad cause they’re turning Luke into a horrible character. 🙁 I say bring on Christopher! The finale was great but all in all, there was too much of that trobadour storyline. I love this show but sometimes it needs to scale back a little on the random filler. Yay for the premiere next Tuesday!

I’m sad it’s over. (Even though the show probably should have bowed out a few seasons earlier, IMO). I wish that the writers would have found a way to end the show without killing off Jack. *sniff* He was the best. But at least he died to ensure Sloane wouldn’t be able to cause anyone pain again. I was also upset about Tom’s death. He and Rachel had so much potential that it was sad to see it squashed so quickly. I know it’s a finale but there should be some storylines left for the imagination, you know? Not quite sure how I feel about Irina’s death… she was a great character but I was really disappointed that she chose Rambaldi over Syd. 🙁 All in all, I was satisfied with the ending and I loved seeing Syd and Vaughn together and happy at last.

I suppose that’s it. I have about 4 episodes of Smallville left on the Tivo and I doubt I’ll find the time to sit and watch them before the premiere. I’ll probably just skim through some recaps on TWOP. Hopefully that’ll be all I need to understand what the heck is going on. I’m such a bad fan. :/


Gah, I think I’ve become addicted to YouTube.

I found a link to the Ephram/Amy “I Love You” scene (I adore this scene — it’s just so simple and beautiful) so I began looking around for more Everwood videos. I stumbled upon a fantastic Ephram/Amy fanvideo that goes through some of their greatest moments as friends and then as a couple. SQUEE. So awesome.

But the BEST thing I found on YouTube (not Everwood-related) is this Star Wars-related clip from an episode of Robot Chicken. It’s of Darth Vader calling Emperor Palpatine and it is HILARIOUS. Watch it here.


Anyway, I wanted to share my current “song of the moment” with you all. Enjoy.

Right click, save as…
username: cookie
password: monster

Nelly Furtado ft. Timbaland – Promiscuous

YAY Miami! 😀


Oh man, the series finale of Everwood just about killed me.


I want to watch the episode again before doing commentary so let me leave you all with the song that played during the amazingly beautiful Ephram/Amy montage —

Right click, save as…
username: cookie
password: monster

George is Jones – Ruins

I’m going to miss this show so much. 🙁

damn 7th heaven

OMG. It looks like Everwood was actually supposed to be picked up. The CW even made a website for it here. Seeing that makes the cancellation worse. It was *thisclose* to getting renewed.

At least I know it was 7th Heaven that killed my show. Dawn Ostroff herself confirms this here in an interview with TV Guide’s Michael Ausiello. I still don’t quite get it, though. I mean, couldn’t 7th Heaven’s finale have drawn in such high ratings simply *because* it was a SERIES finale? I know I’ve tuned in for series finales to shows I’ve long since stopped watching only because I want to see how it all ends.

Sorry for all the posts on this subject, LOL. I have to stop.

Ok… in some funny news, if you’re a Grey’s Anatomy fan, you have to watch this video from the Upfronts. Burke, The Chief and McDreamy! In the shower! That’s pretty awesome. 😀 Credit goes to TI or Repro Images for sharing the video.

Anyway, I’m taking the day off tomorrow so Rob and I can drive down to Southern CA to visit the family. I won’t be around until Sunday so I hope everyone has a great weekend! 🙂

it’s official

I was living in the land of denial until today but I can’t anymore… It’s official. Everwood has been cancelled. Damn CW.

*sob* What a horrible way to start my Thursday morning.


OMG. Why does the CW upfront have to be on Thursday?!? Don’t they know I am WAITING to hear about my beloved Everwood? It’s hard knowing that the decision has been made but I still have to wait. ARGH.

Damn. I just read The Ausiello Report and he’s not too hopeful.


TV character responses

So this TV character “Favorite Moments” meme was MUCH harder than I anticipated. I have the absolute worst memory and I probably have more favorite moments… but I did my best!

1. Amy: I thought you’d be in New York already.
Ephram: I think I’m gonna skip New York this year. I mean, it’s the worst time to go anyway.
Amy: Really? I didn’t know that.
Ephram: Yeah, it’s super humid. Maybe for Christmas.
Amy: Yeah, it’d probably be nice to be home for the holidays.
Ephram: Yeah, maybe, but…
Amy: But what?
Ephram: I am home.
— Episode 1.23: Home
Awww. Happy Ephram rules.

2. Ephram (to Madison): I’m going to my car, when I turn around, you’ll be inside and that will be that.
— Episode 2.18: Last Looks
I’ve always thought this was a perfect break-up scene. Sad yet hopeful at the same. And Ephram’s face… he made me sad right along with him.

3. Ephram: Amy? I still love you.
— Episode 4.09: Getting to Know You
This broke my heart. Ephram found the courage to open his heart to Amy and it was beautiful.

1. [Amy and Colin are announced as Homecoming Couple but Colin is nowhere to be found. Bright takes Amy’s hand.]
Amy: What are you doing?
Bright: Standing in.
Amy: I can’t go up there, Bright. Not without Colin.
Bright: It’s OK. We’ll do this together.
— Episode 1.14: Colin the Second
One of my favorite Everwood scenes. It just captures who Bright is as a character.

2. When Bright gave up sex with Gemma to rescue Dr. Abbott who is asleep on a ski lift. He mutters to himself, “If I die tonight and don’t go to heaven, I’m gonna be so pissed.”
— Episode 1.15: Snow Job
Bwah! Bright rocks.

3. Bright renting the Promebago.
— Episode 2.20: Do Or Die.
No other reason than it’s classic Bright.

Continue reading

everwood 410 and 411

I’m finally getting around to blogging about Everwood. I still can’t believe that prior to the 2-hour event, only 9 (NINE!) episodes aired.

First of all, let me just say that Ephram STILL needs to cut his hair. And that HAT he was wearing. It just made his hair look worse! Especially in the scene where he went back to the high school and was walking down the hall. UGH.


Loved the beginning scene of the parallel Bright/Ephram and Amy/Hannah calls. “Bring breakfast and beer.” Aww, Ephram. I think I’m beginning to love you again.
Comments in list form because I am laaaaazy. Spoilers for the episode, of course.

The Abbotts adopting. This just bores me to tears. I know, I know… I’m insensitive. I get that Rose and Harold are going through the whole “empty nest” thing and I FEEL like the storyline is going somewhere but I’m not really interested in the journey. Well… unless it has to do with the BIG TRAGEDY at the end of the season I keep hearing about. But my prediction is that it won’t. I guess we’ll see.

Hannah. I am *trying* to like her. But then she has to go and give Nina relationship advice. RELATIONSHIP ADVICE. Enough said.

Amy’s “Miss Independent” storyline. I really like that she wants to have her own “Europe” but why does it have to include a professor? Or maybe I’m just reading too much into their dialogue. It just seems like her professor is way too interested in shaping Amy’s opinions. And also in her relationship with Ephram. Weird.

Nina and Jake. I wouldn’t say I’m a shipper (*waves Andy/Nina flag*) but I can appreciate their story.

Amy and Hannah’s fight. This was so realistic that it *hurt.* With Amy a freshman in college and Hannah still in high school, I’d be surprised if they didn’t grow apart and have differences in opinion. Even though I’m not completely crazy about Hannah, I do love her conviction. She has her beliefs and she won’t let anyone tell her that she’s wrong. And in the situation where Amy seemed to be baiting her, I understood why she tried to change the subject to something she and Amy have in common.

Ephram and Amy. I don’t think I’ll ever stop loving them. I adored when Amy told Ephram that he is still “her person.” AWWW. Of course I want them to be together but I don’t begrudge Amy’s wish to have her “Europe.” Especially since most of her storylines on the show have been boy-centric to this point.

Looking forward to tonight! 🙂