ootp thoughts

Aahhh, 3-day weekend for me. YAY! I took Friday the 13th (!) off from work as my “summer Friday.” We get to choose 5 Fridays to take off from Memorial Day through Labor Day. It’s a nice little perk to have a breather once in awhile. 🙂 I didn’t do much… went over to a crafts store to pick up some new rubber stamps (I’ve become obsessed recently — I don’t know why) and then went home and watched 8 straight episodes of The OC season 3. I love the show but wow, s3 was pretty awful. I need to get the s4 DVDs so I can watch that the next time a summer Friday rolls around.

I also started re-reading the Harry Potter series. Finally! I quickly finished Sorceror’s Stone so now I’m on Chamber of Secrets. I don’t think I’ll get through them all this week so after book 2, I might jump straight to Half-Blood Prince. Ack, I can’t believe Deathly Hallows is almost here. I don’t want the series to end. *tear*

So today I went to see Order of the Phoenix again with some friends. I liked the movie the first time around but I liked it A LOT better the second. Some spoilery thoughts (in list form like Sarah because it’s easiest)…

Things I Didn’t Care For
1. Sirius’s death. I just… it’s not how I pictured it. I thought the curse was instant.
2. Details that were different from the previous movies. For example, both the Dementors and Sirius communicating through the fire were executed differently in Movie 3. I like consistency. :/
3. Cho selling out the DA. I know it’s easier for the storyline not to introduce another character and it makes it clear that a romantic relationship between her and Harry didn’t work out. But I have a soft spot for Cho.
4. Not enough Occlumency!
5. I missed Quidditch and Ron and Hermione being prefects.

Things I Loved
1. Dumbledore’s Army. SQUEE. Exactly how I imagined.
2. The casting of Professor Umbridge, Luna Lovegood, and Bellatrix Lestrange was spot on. They were all pretty darn perfect.
3. Daniel Radcliffe. He really just keeps getting better and better. ILUFFHIMSO.
4. The kids in the Department of Mysteries holding out their wands ready for battle. It seriously gave me chills.
5. The Dumbledore/Voldemort fight was SO AWESOME.
If anyone else has written a blog about the movie, let me know in the comments! I love to read everyone’s thoughts. But for now, I’ve got to get back to my reading… 😀

hp 5

Back from the midnight showing of HP OotP. Enjoyed the movie (but what can I say — I’m easy to please). Will see it again this weekend.

Now, it’s bedtime.


It’s Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix week! I’m pretty sure Rob and I are going to catch the midnight showing on Tuesday/Wednesday night. Woohoo!

Tonight was the HP OotP premiere in LA and I have to share this photo of the trio.

Look at Rupert’s shirt! He is so AWESOME. LOL. And wow, Emma is gorgeous. I hate her. Just kidding. Sort of.

I saw Transformers this weekend and LOVED it. Weird, right? I’ve been looking forward to seeing it (Josh Duhamel, baby!) but I thought it would be cheesy and over the top (I mean, come on, it’s a Michael Bay movie). Well, it was both of those things but it was also hugely entertaining. I completely enjoyed myself (and even found myself laughing *out loud*) throughout the entire movie (yes, even during the cheesy “more than meets the eye” lines). Shia LaBeouf was a huge reason why the movie was so fun. I’ve liked him in other movies before but now I’m definitely a fan. He totally carried the movie and gave it a heart. Plus, his delivery of all the one-liners is so spot on. ILUFFHIM. Megan Fox, on the other hand, apparently took classes from the Jessica Alba school of bad acting. She *is* pretty hot, though. And Bumblebee is officially my favorite Transformer. Anyway, go see it!


I can’t believe it’s July. Craziness.

Haven’t been doing much of anything but I did see Ratatouille on Saturday morning. YAY. Awesome, awesome movie. I never thought that a *rat* could be CUTE. But somehow Pixar pulled it off. Everyone needs to go see it.

Harry Potter and the OotP in 1 week! Whee! I’ve watched the midnight showing for each of the other 4 movies so I contemplating doing that again… but OotP’s being released on a Wednesday. Why?! That’s totally going to screw up my work week. At least when I caught the midnight showing the previous times, there was only 1 more work day left until the weekend, when I could “catch up” on sleep. Grrr. I also haven’t started the HP re-read that I wanted to do before Deathly Hallows. Oh well. I’m kind of resigned to the fact that it won’t happen. Maybe I can at least read Books 5 and 6…

Anyway, thanks to all of you for your comments and emails regarding my previous wedding rant. I am such a drama queen. LOL. I was in a really bad mood when I was typing it up. :/ Sorry about that. Hopefully my next update will be more positive. 😀

spidey 3

OMG. It has been freaking HOT here these past few days. *fans self* I hope the weather stays nice for the next few days cause Rob and I are taking a quick trip down to Monterey/Carmel for the weekend. It’s a belated little getaway for our anniversary. 😀

Anyway, I saw Spider-Man 3 on Saturday morning. 10am showing! HEE. My friends and I are dorks. We didn’t want to deal with the crowds so we thought a morning showing would be best. I don’t want to give away any spoilers so I’ll just say that I was a tad disappointed. There were too many storylines going and not enough follow through. But I was entertained and I guess that’s all I can ask for in a movie. Pirates 3 is next!

The Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix trailer played before Spidey 3 and… WOW. It looked absolutely amazing on the big screen. I am *so* excited for HP5. 😀 Which reminds me… I need to start my re-read of the books soon!

And because my old roommate Jimmy just got engaged and he keeps asking me to upload music, here’s a mish-mash of recs for y’all —

Right click, save as…
username: cookie
password: monster

Snow Patrol – You Could Be Happy (LOVE this song!)
Snow Patrol – Signal Fire (from the Spidey 3 soundtrack)
Mat Kearney – Girl America
Rogue Wave – Eyes
Timbaland – Oh Timbaland
Timbaland – Apologize

Off to watch 24!

music meme

I was tagged by Ceci for this music meme. 😀

List seven songs you are into right now, no matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they’re not any good, but they must be songs you’re really enjoying now. Post these instructions in your livejournal blog along with your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what they’re listening to.

Here we go!

Right click, save as…
username: cookie
password: monster

The All-American Rejects – It Ends Tonight
Avril Lavigne – Girlfriend
Christina Aguilera – Candyman
Fort Minor – Remember the Name
Justin Timberlake – Summer Love
Nelly Furtado – Say it Right
Snow Patrol – Open Your Eyes (I posted this in my previous entry but I can’t help it, I love it so much!)

I’m too lazy to tag anyone. 😀 Just do it! It’s fun!

I found these video links on LJ and found them entertaining so I thought I’d share…

Kristen Bell and Chris Lowell from Veronica Mars interviewing each other. You learn pretty much nothing about them but it is damn hilarious.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Movie Preview. 7 minutes of behind-the-scenes stuff with the cast. I CAN’T WAIT!

Off to watch Lost

happy feet + casino royale

It was a movie weekend…

I saw Happy Feet yesterday. The penguins were so darn cute! I *loved* Baby Mumble and his tap-happy feet. The singing and dancing was so much fun. But honestly, I was a little disappointed with the ending.

I wasn’t disappointed with the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix trailer, though! SQUEE. Harry cut his hair! I hated that long hairdo in the last movie. It was a short trailer but there were some great sneak peeks of Sirius, Bellatrix, and the Harry/Cho kiss. It was pretty darn awesome. I CAN’T WAIT!

I also went to see Casino Royale today. Aside from the looooong poker scene in the middle of the movie, I thought it was a good movie. I didn’t think I would like Daniel Craig as the new Bond but I totally did. He had a refreshing take on the character. He wasn’t slick the way Pierce Brosnan’s Bond was; instead he was kind of rough around the edges. I also really liked Vesper Lynd (aka the “Bond Girl”) mostly because she *wasn’t* the typical Bond Girl. Go see it! It’s a fun few hours at the movies.

I caught the premiere of Daybreak this past week and really liked it. Taye Diggs gets to start each of his repeating days in bed. Topless. 😀 Seriously though, I thought it was a great twist that any injuries and bruises he sustains carries over into the next day. It seems to confirm that the repeating days are actually happening and Brett’s not dreaming or hallucinating. Anyway, I’m intrigued. And I’ll keep watching.

I’m SO looking forward to the short 3-day work week. Awesome.

hp gof dvd

Picked up the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire DVD! WHEE. There’s so many great special features that I’ve only had the chance to watch the following:

Deleted Scenes
I’m a sucker for trio scenes so the deleted scenes were great — specifically this scene by the fireplace and this scene on the school grounds (look at how cute they are with their scarves!).

Interviews with the Cast
I never realized how shy Rupert was in interviews. It’s so cute how hesitant and reserved he is when answering questions. Dan and Emma, on the other hand, are enthusiastic and eloquent. They really are a lot like characters in some ways. Some interesting tidbits — Dan has a crush on Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson, Dan is looking forward to doing the kissing scene with Cho Chang in the OotP, and Emma reveals that she had such a hard time getting through the scene in CoS where she runs through the Great Hall to hug Dan that they had to freeze the hug by a few seconds when editing the movie because all the takes were too short (aww!).

Preparing the Yule Ball
This feature totally made me smile! I loved seeing the kids all dressed up but seeing them practice the dance choreography was golden. 😀 And poor Dan. Both he and Mike Newell commented on his absolute lack of dancing abilities. Heh. But my favorite part was when various people were talking about Hermione’s big entrance down the stairs and Dan said “Emma was never ugly, she’s always been quite beautiful, so I was kinda like you’re just even more beautiful.” LOVE. It must be my Harry/Hermione love turning itself into Dan/Emma shippiness. 😛

Anyway, Project Runway (spoiler)!

Continue reading

hp ootp casting

So it looks casting has been completed for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Hmm. The actresses cast for Luna and Tonks look *nothing* like the way I imagined the characters. I can’t really pinpoint why. I’d love to see a picture of the actress who was cast for Bellatrix Lestrange. I’ve always imagined her to be absolutely gorgeous… in an evil way, of course.

Anyway, they start filming on Monday! Yay!