blah – i’m sick

Blah — I’m sick. 🙁

I had a slight fever yesterday so I spent pretty much the entire night in bed after I returned home from work. *sigh* Being sick sucks.
To make matters worse, *N Sync is here in concert tomorrow (well, technically today cause it’s past midnight) and I’m not going. ::sobs:: The past 2 times they’ve come to Oakland, I’VE been there… I even flew to Las Vegas to see them during one of their arena tours. *I was die hard.* But now, I’m just broke. Argh.

BtVS was pretty good tonight… I loved all the angst and pained looks between Buffy and Spike. ::sigh:: They could have been great. And OMG, I feel so *horrible* for Anya — weird though, cause I’ve never felt anything for her before. Sure, I liked her — she’s funny and candid but I always thought of her as more of a peripheral character. ::shrugs:: But still, she must be hurting.

4 thoughts on “blah – i’m sick

  1. Hi…I hope you feel better. 🙂
    I have mixed feelings about last night’s Buffy. I am, though, really looking forward to next week’s.

  2. I liked last night’s BtVS episode, especially the scene between Buffy and Spike. Feel better soon Kel!

  3. aww thanks kel for your comment, you are so sweet 🙂
    I hope you get better, being sick sucks big time. oh no, well I’m sure you can watch nsync on tv or something, don’t freak, they’ll probably do another tour. Take care kel, thanks so much for hosting the directory, I really appreciate it! much love, joy

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