going, going, gone!

Just got done packing — whew! Finally. I think I packed everything. Or at least I hope I did. I have a tendency to pack way too much stuff — I’m only going to be gone for 6 days yet I’m pretty sure I have almost 10 outfits packed. 😛 I just like to be prepared. 😉

Well, I just wanted to say “Bye!” to everyone — my flight leaves really early tomorrow morning and I have to wake up in 6 hours (it’s midnight now). I don’t think I’ll be able to blog while I’m in Hawaii unless I find some internet cafe or something — so until next Wednesday! 🙂 Bye all!

7 thoughts on “going, going, gone!

  1. EEEE! Have fun dear! I hope you have a blast. My dad used to live in Hawaii. He hasn’t dragged me there, and I want to be dragged there. hmmmppph. 😉 Anyhow, have fun.

  2. Guess you won’t read this till you get back but I hope you have a fantastic time! But make sure you do some make-up blogging when you get back cos I miss your posts. 😉

  3. WHEE I’M BACK. I always pack too much too. And piss off the airport people who are like “YOU WEIGHING DOWN PLANE!” and suchlike. Yes. Being prepared is good! Anyway, hope you are having lots of fun and stuff. =)

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