my brand-spanking new LJ

So… I have an LJ now. hee.

This blog will definitely still be my primary place of rambling — the LJ will serve as a device to stalk others. mwahahaha. 🙂 Anyway, if you’d like to see it — go here. The pink may be a tad bright but I think that’s part of its charm. 😉 Let me know if any of you out there has an LJ — I need more friends! lol. Anyway, much love and thanks to Amy for hooking me up with a code. You’re a star!

Hmm… Friday Five

What was the first band you saw in concert?
Boyz II Men. When we were 15, my friends and I flew all the way to Las Vegas from Southern CA just to see them. Fun times.

Who is your favorite artist/band now?
Oh no, I’m kind of a flighty person when it comes to “favorites.” My preferences change constantly. But as of right now, I’d have to say I’m in love with Good Charlotte, Linkin Park, Justin Timberlake, Norah Jones and Dashboard Confessional.

What’s your favorite song?
Etta James’s At Last. Classic. Soulful.

If you could play any instrument, what would it be?
I have absolutely no interest in playing an instrument, lol. But if I must, I’d probably want to learn how to play the violin — for no other reason than it looks cool.

If you could meet any musical icon (past or present), who would it be and why?
Janet Jackson. She’s my performing idol. Plus, I want to find out how to get her abs of steel, heh.

Btw, Becca — I would be so thankful if you showed me where to find that thumbnail maker — I have no patience for creating them!

8 thoughts on “my brand-spanking new LJ

  1. Ooh. I lovelovelove that Etta James song. It’s beautiful. <3

    You’ve got an LJ! Wheee. I’ll go say hi. 😉 Love the DC season 1 paper too. The good ‘ol days. Sigh. 😉

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Hey, Kel. I tried to sign your guestbook, but it wouldn’t load on dam I.E. for mac. I hate these school comps, lol. I just wanted to say how much I love your new layout and your new DC wallpapers. I love the one for EFWI.

  3. Yay! You have a LJ now. Hee. Remember, I was and always will be your #1 stalker, sis. 😉

  4. Kelly, all I can say is wow. I’m stunned. And I hate the writers more than anything right now. The two worst things they could have done was 1) Break up Jo/P 2) Make ANYONE (especially Grams) have cancer. It hit a little too close to home with me too. So enough said there. The Pacey and Joey stuff though … the ONLY reason they better have broken those two up is so they can put them back together in the end. period. end of story. There is no denying the attraction and pure chemistry. Joey went from last episode totally all about Pacey, and so feeling "it", to forgetting everything when Eddie comes back. It’s ridiculous. And I liked Eddie too, I really liked Eddie. Not anymore. Because he doesn’t deserve Joey back. He LEFT her. And it doesn’t matter that he came back. He needs to LEAVE again. I’m frustrated, and I didn’t stop crying from the moment I saw Grams and Jennifer sitting together on the couch, because I remembered what I’d read in the TVGuide, and I couldn’t handle it. This better all be resolved. I want a HAPPY ending.

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