fannish five

Phew. Crisis averted. I don’t have to reformat my hard drive. My boyfriend managed to fix it! Some weird spywarecrap was hijacking the home page on my Internet Explorer and wouldn’t open pop ups or new windows. It was so annoying. I’m still not sure what he did to fix it — all I know is that I came home from work and it was functioning properly again. Yay for boyfriends who are all technical and cool and can fix things. 😀

A couple of fandom memes that I stole from various live journals

Dawson’s Creek (My One True Fandom *sigh*)
One True Pairing Ship: Pacey and Joey. They make me ohsohappy.
Canon Ship: Pacey and Joey, Dawson and Jen
“If this happen(ed) I would have stabbed my eyes out with a spork” ‘Ship: Dawson and Andie. Two of my least favorite characters. *snooze*
“You are one sick bastard” ‘Ship: Pacey and Gale (or is it Gail?). hehe.
“I dabble a little” ‘Ship: Pacey and Jen. Two of the best characters EVER.
“It’s like a car crash” ‘Ship: Dawson and Joey. These two crazy kids just never got their act together at the same time. I even liked them way back when.
“Tickled my fancy but not sold quite yet” ‘Ship: Pacey and Andie. Cute relationship but Andie got on my nerves most of the time so I couldn’t bring myself to fully invest in them.
“Makes no canon sense but why the hell not” ‘Ship: Jack and Joey. Yes, I know he’s gay. That’s why it makes no sense! I guess I just think that Katie and Kerr look good together… that whole brunette/brunette thing.
“Everyone else loves it but I just don’t feel it” ‘Ship: Dawson and Joey
“When all is said and done” ‘Ship: Pacey and Joey. 4eva! *g*

Another fandom meme… (can you tell I’m bored?) 😉

How many and which of your fandoms do you own on DVD? I have Dawson’s Creek, Alias, Felicity, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, 24, Friends, Sex and the City, and Smallville. I’m pretty addicted to TV DVDs.

If you had tapes, did you toss them when you got the DVDs? Yup. They just took up too much room in my small, crowded apartment. I think I may have saved 1 or 2 to record other random stuff on.

What are your favorite extras (commentary tracks, behind-the-scenes featurettes, bloopers, foreign language dub, interviews with cast, etc.)? Love love love bloopers! So funny. Sadly, I think only my Alias DVDs have bloopers. It should be mandatory to have bloopers on a TV box set. Humph. I also really enjoy cast commentaries (it’s cute to listen to them ramble) and behind the scenes stuff. I think my favorite TV DVDs are the Alias ones — they have lost of great extras that fans really appreciate. I wish the people producing the Dawson’s Creek DVDs would take a hint. Those sets have barely any extras. Grr.

What do you view first: the episodes, commentary, extras? I always watch the extra stuff first. Then I’ll watch the episodes in order.

What fandoms on DVD do you not yet own or are not out yet? Hmmm… I’ve been meaning to pick up The West Wing and CSI but money will not allow at this time. 😛 I’m eagerly awaiting Roswell to get released in February. And I’m hoping that DVDs will be produced for Gilmore Girls, Everwood and The O.C. Fun fun.

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