help, anyone?

It seems that I spoke too soon…

I can’t get my entries to justify (grr!) and for some reason, the date stamp on the 2 entries I have here are the same (???). Anyone have any ideas about what I’m doing wrong?


EDIT — I’m an idiot. I set the date to be the current date and not the entry date. *head desk* And OMG, many many thanks to Lola for helping me figure out how to get my entries to justify. You rock!!! All is well in the land of

5 thoughts on “help, anyone?

  1. I like your layout. Simple but cute.
    I wish I could help you with your blog but I don’t know how to use movable type. Sorry 🙁

  2. Try adding
    body,tr,td {font-family: verdana; font-size: 10px; color=#7D2B3F; text-align:justify; } Maybe that’ll work!

  3. Yay, you’re blog is back! 🙂 Sorry to hear about the hacker. That’s sooooo messed up! :/

  4. Wow, back and better than ever. Hope the conversion of old entries went ok by the way. You are so right, can’t lose any other entries. This is like a log of your life!

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