dad’s computer

Holy moly. I never thought I would see the day that my dad would finally have a working computer. Up until just a few months ago, he had the SLOWEST machine known to man. I would run out of patience just waiting for the darn thing to start. And surfing the web was pretty much out of the question. Now the computer boots up in a matter of seconds and not minutes and I can actually go online (granted he’s still using a 56k modem) and not kill myself just waiting for the browser to load. It’s amazing.

So yay, I’m in LA. It was my first time flying down here on JetBlue. I’m not quite sure if I liked it or not. Sure, they have a TV at each seat but when the channels are “unavailable” for most of the trip due to “natural airplane movement” then I don’t know if it’s even worth it. I tried to watch an episode of Law & Order: SVU but gave up after the channel went dead for about the 5th time. At least they have a great variety of snack choices. It was pretty cool to have a chocolate biscotti instead of peanuts during the flight.

Anyway. 🙂 Off to bed…

2 thoughts on “dad’s computer

  1. JetBlue huh? I’ve never known anyone who has flown that company. Too bad it didn’t live up to the hype. Glad you arrived safely however. 😀

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