driving lesson

So… I’m attempting the whole driving thing again. (Yes, I do not have my driver’s license and I realize I am 25). 😛

With some pressure from my friends at work, I took the written test a few weeks back, got my permit, and took my first driving lesson yesterday (well, technically, it wasn’t my first lesson but it’s been *years* since I’ve been behind the wheel). I was terrified and nervous for the first 5 minutes (AND almost hit another car, natch) but after the anxiety wore away, it wasn’t so bad. I have LOTS of hours of practice ahead of me, though… I need to practice my turns (I have a feeling I go too slowly), get used to traffic, and I have yet to even attempt driving on the freeway (the very thought scares the bejeezus out of me).

My goal is to take the manual driving test by my birthday (October), which gives me about 3 months. You all are my witnesses! I can’t back down now. EEK.

9 thoughts on “driving lesson

  1. Kel, I am so happy you finally watched VM! I started late too, but it’s still worth it. It didn’t really ruin anything for me.
    Good luck with the driving! I can’t imagine not driving, but then again I don’t live in a big city with plenty of public transportation.

  2. I don’t drive anymore either (bad accident and high insurance) but I’m hoping to start up again next year. I do miss the independence but I’m scared now, like you.

  3. Kel! Wow, I know you can do it. I don’t have my license and I’m 22. My goal is this July though, that I’ll take my test. I’ve been practicing seriously for about a year now and I really really want to get it.
    I hope your lessons go well, and don’t worry, once you start going on the freeway more frequently, your nervousness will let up.

  4. I’ve been obsessed about getting my driver’s license for the past two months now, and it’s kind of ridiculous. But I am really, really scared to take the test. Ridiculously so. Sigh.
    Good luck with your driving!

  5. Ooh driving manual, good luck! I used to go really slowly during turns too, I was afraid of the gas and horrible nightmares about hitting streetlights, but once you practice, I’m sure it’ll just come naturally to you 🙂

  6. Good luck with the driving! And freeway driving? Gah, I can’t do it. My mind conjures up that scene from Clueless 😉
    And yay! for Hawaii…I hope you have a wonderful time 😀 Ooh and sour-lemon looks so pretty and that such a great domain name!

  7. Ah, I’m not alone. I’m 19 and don’t even have my permit. 😡 lol. My friends keep asking me when I’m gonna get it, and I feel so pressured. blah.

  8. Dont feel bad, Im 23 and don’t have my license either. I’m working on it though, so glad to hear I’m not alone.. most people make me feel pathetic about it. Good luck girl!

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