oscars 2006


A few thoughts from the show…

The opening bit was really funny with Billy Crystal and Chris Rock in the Brokeback tent.

So much George Clooney love! I’m glad he won Best Supporting Actor… just because I lurve him. He gave my favorite acceptance speech of the night. I’m listening to his post-show interviews as I’m typing this and he just said that he blew the Batman franchise. Heh. True. I love that he doesn’t take himself so seriously that he can admit that.

Aww, I really wanted Michelle Williams to win Best Supporting Actress — if only to see a Creeker win an Oscar! And it was so cute to see Busy Phillips sitting next to her. They’re BESTFRIENDS4EVA.

PANTS EQUALITY FOR ALL! Hehe. That made me want to see Chicken Little.

Dolly Parton looks scary. Her boobs are like ten times bigger than her waist. EEEK. :/

What is Charlize wearing? That dress is unfortunate. The big bow is *awful.*

I totally want one of those stuffed penguins.

Three 6 Mafia winning Best Song for It’s Hard Out Here For a Pimp was one of the BEST Oscar moments. EVER.

Jon Stewart was a great host. I loved when he was giggling about Three 6 Mafia. I especially loved this joke:
Martin Scorsese – 0 Oscars
Three 6 Mafia – 1

Yay Reese! Another great acceptance speech. There’s just something about her that I find so charming and likable.

Wow, Crash won. Huh. It was a good movie but I didn’t really like it. Now, Brokeback Mountain I loved. I seriously thought it was going to win. That was a big upset.

Favorite Oscar dresses this year: Michelle Williams, Jessica Alba, and Keira Knightley.

One thought on “oscars 2006

  1. I pretty much agree with everything you said. 🙂 However, I didn’t like Michelle’s dress. I liked the style but I thought the color was ugly, too yellowish for me I guess. Jessica Alba’s however was just right.

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