hp gof dvd

Picked up the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire DVD! WHEE. There’s so many great special features that I’ve only had the chance to watch the following:

Deleted Scenes
I’m a sucker for trio scenes so the deleted scenes were great — specifically this scene by the fireplace and this scene on the school grounds (look at how cute they are with their scarves!).

Interviews with the Cast
I never realized how shy Rupert was in interviews. It’s so cute how hesitant and reserved he is when answering questions. Dan and Emma, on the other hand, are enthusiastic and eloquent. They really are a lot like characters in some ways. Some interesting tidbits — Dan has a crush on Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson, Dan is looking forward to doing the kissing scene with Cho Chang in the OotP, and Emma reveals that she had such a hard time getting through the scene in CoS where she runs through the Great Hall to hug Dan that they had to freeze the hug by a few seconds when editing the movie because all the takes were too short (aww!).

Preparing the Yule Ball
This feature totally made me smile! I loved seeing the kids all dressed up but seeing them practice the dance choreography was golden. 😀 And poor Dan. Both he and Mike Newell commented on his absolute lack of dancing abilities. Heh. But my favorite part was when various people were talking about Hermione’s big entrance down the stairs and Dan said “Emma was never ugly, she’s always been quite beautiful, so I was kinda like you’re just even more beautiful.” LOVE. It must be my Harry/Hermione love turning itself into Dan/Emma shippiness. 😛

Anyway, Project Runway (spoiler)!


6 thoughts on “hp gof dvd

  1. I must pick up GoF on DVD! And I now have an overwhelming urge to reread box 6. I think I shall do just that!

  2. Hi Kel… A new music recommendation for you. I was just told about this guy from a friend and thought I would pass it along to you since I really enjoyed it…
    Dallas Green
    A good song to listen to is “Hello, I’m in Delaware”

  3. Hi Kel… A new music recommendation for you. I was just told about this guy from a friend and thought I would pass it along to you since I really enjoyed it…
    Dallas Green
    A good song to listen to is “Hello, I’m in Delaware”
    His CD is called City and Colour.

  4. Hee! I have to pick up the DVD soon. The movie wasn’t as great as the others for me, but I do love special features. 🙂

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