thanksgiving 2010

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! I definitely did. Even though it left me incredibly tired. I feel like I need a vacation from my Thanksgiving vacation. LOL.

Rob and I hosted Thanksgiving at our house for our immediate families so there was a lot to do! I took Wednesday off and spent most of the day cleaning. My cousin arrived on Wednesday night and together we spent all day Thursday cooking for Thanksgiving dinner. We decided on a traditional menu including a turkey, which neither of us had ever attempted to cook before. EEEK. Luckily, everything turned out fantastic and we STILL have yummy leftovers. I managed to take a few photos before we dug in to all the food…

The dinner table.

Dessert and drinks table. I made the pumpkin pie! The best part of it is the whipped cream on top. So good.

The buffet table (aka the kitchen island). Look at all that food! For only 8 people. Yeah, we cooked waaaayyyy too much.

Umm… I guess I got distracted by all the food because I totally forgot to take any family pictures. D’OH!

On to Christmas! 😀

One thought on “thanksgiving 2010

  1. Very nice spread Kel! The pie looks tasty but like you I’m a huge fan of the whip cream topping.

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