I’m in denial that the holidays are over. I haven’t even taken the decorations down yet (yes, I know you’re judging me right now :D). I should probably be doing that at the moment but instead I thought I’d write up my holiday recap…
I love having a house to decorate but besides the Christmas tree, I didn’t really go too crazy (Rob would probably beg to differ).

We had a wreath on the front door…

… garland on the banister with our mini stockings…

… and a few little touches in the great room, like the ornament-filled hurricanes on the entertainment center and the random snowmen hanging out on the bookcase.
Next year I’m hoping Rob and I (ok, mostly Rob) can figure out how to put up lights on the exterior of our house.
My family celebrated Christmas a week early because my cousin Riz was heading to the Philippines for the holidays. She and her brother both had birthdays earlier in the month so Rob and I made our signature cupcakes (chocolate cake with an awesome strawberry frosting). We made one giant cupcake to go along with the regular-sized ones.

I made Rob pipe the frosting, hehe. We’re not going to win any decorating awards but it was yummy, which is all that matters. 🙂

On Christmas Eve, my dad came over and instead of cooking for just the 3 of us, we decided to go out for Chinese food. Too bad everyone in Irvine had the same idea and we waited about an hour and a half to be seated. ARGH.
Christmas day was spent at the in-laws watching the terrible Lakers game.

Thanks Carolyn for the pic!
The day after Christmas Rob and I hosted a get together for our friends. We had a ton of food (with leftovers for days) and lots of great company. It’s so nice to have the space to have everyone over! I hope to make this some sort of tradition. 😀 We did a white elephant gift exchange and Rob got a Justin Bieber calendar. BWAHAHA. But seriously, I have no idea what we’re going to do with it.
In between the holidays, we took the time to take care of things around the house. I cleaned out my ridiculous stash of makeup and Rob set up a pegboard to organize our garage (sadly there’s still a lot of clutter and boxes to conquer).
New Year’s Eve was low-key as per usual. We had a few friends over and one of them brought his taco cart (thanks Ricardo)! YUM. I was super tired that night and struggled to make it until midnight. Darn old age.
Now here we are in 2011. All in all, it was a wonderful holiday break (though I do have two regrets — not taking more pictures during the holidays overall and not making it to Disneyland to see it all decked out) and I’m definitely looking forward to this upcoming year (weddings, another trip to Comic-Con, possible vacations).

One last picture to close out this entry… Diesel wanted me to share his awesome holiday card that we sent out this year. 😀 Now I gotta work on making my New Year’s resolutions!
Happy New Year Kelly and Rob! Your house looks so amazing 🙂 Thanks very much for the Christmas card! You should have heard Grantland admiring it, he is a low key guy but he went on and on about how awesome and hilarious it was. Hope you guys are doing well and hope to see you soon!!
Thanks for being such awesome hosts Robokel!
Everyone looks so happy and healthy and the new Dumlao household so festive! And hooray for weddings in 2011 🙂
Sorry, meant to say Masaya household – total brain fart!
I love the card! Diesel is beyond adorable. LOL @ Rob getting the Bieber calendar. You need to hang it in his office area 😉
Giant cupcake! I love it. You’re going to have to help me figure out how to make my own better. I have a pan for one but the one time I tried making it, it didn’t turn out very well.
happy new year, dear!! we didn’t get to see disneyland all decked out for Christmas, either… your decorations looked beautiful! xoxo