movies, movies, movies

So I had a pretty fun weekend — I was out and about for most of it. 🙂 On Friday night after work, Rob and I ate at this really great barbecue place in Oakland called Everett and Jones — sooo good. Then we decided to have a Blockbuster night so we rented Don’t Say A Word. You know, the one with Brittany Murphy and her now-famous I’ll never te-ell” line. It was… okay. Nothing special — just your basic thriller. Jennifer Esposito played this really annoying detective — grrr. Plus, she was a completely useless character.

Then on Saturday, we woke up early to go to the city (San Francisco). Through my occasional work at KGO Radio, I get lots of tickets to amusement parks, museums, etc. Anyway, I had free passes for the Bay Cruise and the Aquarium of the Bay so Rob and I decided to spend the day in the city and do the “tourist” thing. We took the BART (it’s like a subway/commuter train) to downtown SF and then rode a cable car down to Fisherman’s Wharf. The cable car ride was really cool — it’s just like in the movies where you can stand on the side and feel the breeze. ::sigh::

After we had gotten our fill of calamari and clam chowder (yum!), we went to the SONY Metreon and saw Men in Black II. I thought it was really funny — Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones have this weird chemistry going. But I really loved Frank the Pug. Waahh — I miss having a dog! *sniff*

And finally, on Sunday, Rob and I went to see Road to Perdition — that was one of the most amazing movies I’ve ever seen — seeing powerful men of the mob bow to the pressure of relationships, loyalty, business and profit — wow. There was one thing that distracted a bit from the movie — and that was knowing that this was Sam Mendes’s follow-up to American Beauty. So of course, I kept noticing things that were similar in both movies, even down to the music. But it was really refreshing to see Tom Hanks in a role where he’s not the typical “good guy” — I think people needed to see him portray someone who’s not a “hero.” Plus, I was really grateful that the violence wasn’t gratuitous because I have a hard time with violence on screen — it disturbs me. ::shivers:: But I definitely recommend the movie — it’s well worth the time and money.

Countdown to Hawaii: 1 month 😀

2 thoughts on “movies, movies, movies

  1. sounds like you had a great weekend. thats cool. sf is the best. and you know, if you had done the “tourist” thing a few weekends ago, or i had been in CA last weekend, we may have actually seen eachother, but not known it was eachother. hee. oh, now i want to see road to perdition too! grr. damn age thing.

  2. wow, sounds awesome kel 🙂 oooh hawaii in a month! ugh. it sucks, you know, it’s NC17 in the states, but 18A in canada. daaammmiiittt. Maybe I should fly down and watch road to perdition, lol. Sounds like a great movie and I’m glad you had tons of fun this weekend

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