reunion + crash

OMG. My domain is actually working (not sure what’s wrong exactly — my host is looking into it). But it’s too bad that I actually have nothing interesting to blog about…

Well, okay, I take that back.

I saw the movie Crash last Friday and I can’t figure out if I liked it or not. The acting was top-notch but the storyline felt a little too heavy-handed. Maybe because the racism in the movie didn’t surprise me. I’d still recommend it, though, particularly for the great performances of Sandra Bullock, Matt Dillon, Ryan Philippe, and surprisingly, Ludacris.

Was there anybody out there who watched Reunion besides me? 😛 Just in case there are more of us, I found some answers to the show’s mysteries in Kristin’s chat last week…

From anna: What were Fox prez Peter Liguori’s exact words about how Reunion would end?
He said: “Reunion was particularly cumbersome in terms of trying to provide an ending for the audience. How [creator] Jon [Harmon Feldman] was laying out the show to gap those additional 14, 15, 16 years was an incredibly complex path. There were a number of options, and he didn’t make a definitive decision on which option he was going to go with as to who the killer was, and there was just no way to accelerate that time. We put these shows on with every good intention to end them, but eventually, the audience votes. We discussed a number of options, and the best guess at that particular time was that it was going to be Sam’s daughter that was actually the killer.”

From val: What do you know about the killer?
Okay, since Liguori already spilled, and I also asked David Janollari if the WB was interested in picking up Reunion, and he said no, I think it’s time to just give up the info. Here’s what I’ve been told by someone who is very much in the know, who works on the show: The original plan was for the killer to be Sam’s daughter; however, the 11th-hour change was that the killer would be (drumroll, please) Craig’s father. I’m told he felt Craig’s political career would take off with her out of the picture. Nothing had been shot, so it could have been changed. But as far as I know (from a producer and an actor on the show), Craig’s father probably would have been the culprit. I’m also told that when the murderer was Amy, it was supposed to have been an accident.

From Jason: Please tell me you know why Craig was in a wheelchair!
It’s actually tied into the reason Jenna was so bitter toward him. Apparently, an upcoming (flashback) storyline was that Craig was hitting on Jenna in a car, and she was rebuffing him, and they got into a car accident. Initially, he really wasn’t supposed to be able to walk but had a surprising recovery. However, Craig’s father believed he’d do better with the sympathy vote and told him to stay in the wheelchair. And he won the congressional race.

From queenjacyln: If Craig’s father killed Sam, why would the five friends cover it up?
Good question. And I have no answer. I’m a bit disappointed it wasn’t one of the five friends. Aren’t you? I sorta believed that to be the premise of the whole show… but what do I know?

Reunion wasn’t exactly a great show but I wish FOX had let it finish the season off. It was meant to be a one-season show anyway. It would have been nice to have some resolution. Ah well. 🙁 It’s what I’ve come to expect from FOX anyhow.

One thought on “reunion + crash

  1. My mom netflixed Crash. I’ll have to ask her what she thought of it. I’ve been intrigued by all the buzz about it.

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