it’s finally friday!

Friday means Friday Five time! 🙂

What’s your favorite vacation spot? I really love Hawaii… the lifestyle is laid back, the scenery is damn gorgeous, the people are friendly, and the weather is warm. Can’t beat that.

Where do you consider to be the biggest hell-hole on earth? Umm… when you’re driving between Southern CA and Northern CA, there’s a stretch of land that’s just littered with cows- all of them awaiting their torture (I guess- I just made that up). Anyway, the stench is truly disgusting.

What would be your dream vacation? Traveling for months all around Europe would be a dream. After my high school graduation, I went with my family on a month long tour of the major cities in Europe- London, Paris, Rome, Amsterdam… but I want to see it *all.* I’d love to see the less popular locales (but definitely just as rich in beauty and history) like Austria, Germany, Spain and Greece.

If you could go on a road-trip with anyone, who would it be and why? I’d love to go with my long-time friends (since grade school!) Carmen and Robyn. They’re the two people that I feel like I’ve been a horrible friend to… I’m just bad at keeping in touch in general. We all went to different schools for college and I let the distance get between us. *sigh* Plus, I just saw the Britney Spears movie “Crossroads,” which is about 3 girls who rekindled their friendship after drifting apart in high school so I’m a bit on the nostalgic side right now… if you either of you are reading this, I miss you! ::muah::

What are your plans for this weekend? Rob said he would take me to see “40 Days and 40 Nights.” 😀 Josh Hartnett, baby! Other than that, probably cleaning my apartment. Wow, the action in my life is NON STOP. ::note the sarcasm::

2 thoughts on “it’s finally friday!

  1. I like the new layout! 🙂 Even though it isn’t *that* different. ;P And you’re one smart girl for installing Greymatter. I’m with Blogger now after trying to install GM on my own. (The first time my host helped me) Dumdidei….

  2. Dude…40 Days & 40 Nights is/was a weird movie. Saw it last night, except for Josh being the main character, it was pretty much a pointless and really raunchy movie. 🙂

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