Tuesday Night TV

Just got done watching Tuesday Night TV! 😀 Good TV tonight… well, with the exception of Buffy. I couldn’t really get into the episode because of the BAD ACTING! Maybe I was just annoyed because I love Spike and he showed his stupid side with that whole doctor crap. ::rolleyes:: Or MAYBE Riley and Sam really *are* cardboard cutouts of REAL people! ::sigh:: I was looking forward to seeing Riley again (believe it or not, I have a soft spot for the guy) but he had to hit me over the head with his monotone voice and sheer lack of emotion. I don’t remember him being that… boring. ::looks around:: But I have to admit, he reeled me in when he was telling Buffy that she was his first love. I was always sad that those two never had any real closure. And the ending… I call myself a Buffy/Spike shipper but I can’t help but think that they’re better off apart. I wish the writers had done something different with them… they had so much potential.

For a show that is in serious danger of being cancelled, Roswell was really good… any Dreamer will love this episode. It’s not really a romantic episode but you get a real sense of the amazing connection that Max and Liz share. From the flashes of Liz that Max kept seeing as he was in Clayton’s body to the end when Liz brings back Max– these two showed me that what they have, their love (“I have to go to her. She’s the love of my life.”), is something worth fighting for. An added bonus– all the Liz/Maria scenes. My favorite quote of the episode is a piece of dialogue between them– Liz: “Do you know you’re like the most specialest person in the world to me?” Maria: “Right back at ya.” 🙂 I love them.

Smallville’s latest episode was also pretty exciting– I didn’t care too much about the Whitney/robbers storyline as much as I liked all the character interaction. I can never get enough of Clark and Lex (it’s just a huge plus that they’re both yummy!). Lex made me go “Aww!” when he said “I didn’t come here for the disk. I came here to help out a friend”– or something like that. I don’t remember the exact quote. heh. I also loved the Lex/Lana scene at the end… Lex hit the nail right on the head when he said “I think this is the beginning of an interesting partnership.” It is indeed.

3 thoughts on “Tuesday Night TV

  1. ooh lex and lana, my favourite smallville ship! Unfortunately I don’t get the WB, so I haven’t seen that episode yet 🙁

  2. Buffy and Spike. 🙁 I can’t believe they’re over. And Riley, well, I liked him and Buffy, but he was just a piece of eye candy IMHO. 🙂 Chloe cracks me up. I like Tom Welling, don’t you?

  3. heehe I love the lex/lana quote ~ I think this is the beginning of an interesting partnership ~ heehee. web stalking is good 🙂

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