R2D2 obsessed

I’m in love with R2D2. (Yes, the droid from Star Wars). 😛 I keep playing with my little stuffed R2D2 toy — it beeps when you press its stomach! It doesn’t take much to amuse me. heh. Anyway, I’ve just started reading the original trilogy books and I watched The Empire Strikes Back earlier tonight and I had a question (I’m looking at YOU Sebastian!): How come R2D2 didn’t recognize Yoda when he and Luke went to the Degobah system? Or at least remembered his name or something? Hmm…

Anyway, I also caught the series (no! *sob*) finale of Felicity. *Semi-spoilers ahead!* — It was umm… ok. I have to admit that I wasn’t crazy about the whole time-traveling idea but at least it helped me understand that Ben is Felicity’s destiny. The writers made that perfectly clear especially with Noel getting married. I’ll always be a FAN though — and watching all those flashbacks of their romance in season 1 made me miss them so much. ::sigh:: The ending shots of the cast were perfect — all of them laughing and smiling. But can someone explain to me why Elena was there at the end? Didn’t she die a few episodes earlier? And Tracy? I liked his character but I didn’t think he was that important to bring back for the final episode, much less the final scene. And I just loved the little “Thank you” commercial from the WB — they really did say “Hey” a lot. 😀

6 thoughts on “R2D2 obsessed

  1. it’s one of the inconsistencies that haven’t been addressed yet…one possible explanation is that the droids had their memories wiped out…the bigger question is why didn’t c3p0 and rtd2 recognize obi wan and vice versa…secondly, in ep2, c3po lived with owen lars…yet, owen doesn’t recognize c3po when he was sold with r2d2 in the original…also, if it is shown that c3po sees anakin as vader in ep3, then he should recognize vader in the original…

  2. in the buffy finale, what happened to the remaining troika…did they go to mexico or did they turn themselves in…i think there is something with anya and giles, but that just wouldn’t be right…i guess willow is straight again…

  3. I was wondering bout the Elena thing too! Weird how her death caused Felicity to pull away from Ben in the first place, then she’s suddenly alive at the end. But it’s all good I guess. 😀 Ooh Kel did you watch the season finale of Smallville yet?

  4. oh yeah Kel, have you watched the season finale of Smallville yet? i’m waiting for your thoughts on it. it was really good though! 🙂

  5. i love r2d2. 😀
    and i was so sad that felicity had to end. ahh. and at first i didn’t understand why elena was there, but i found out from felicity.com that before felicity went back, she told elena to go to duke uni instead of columbia because you know how she died on her way to columbia. so, therefore, she’s there. and i guess tracy was just a friend of noel’s and so he was there?

  6. yeah the flashbacks got me too…i think there were tears in my eyes when they started playing that really pretty song.

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