it’s really over


I still can’t believe that Dawson’s Creek is over. I know it sounds completely corny and schmaltzy but this show has meant so much to me during the past 6 years — it carried me through the craziness of my college years and has been my escape in the years following. And even though there were some bad times (see: pretty much all of season 5), I’d say that tonight’s finale was a fitting and, for me, satisfying way to end the series.

I think much of what touched me about the episode was the dialogue, the music and the callback to the earlier seasons — I really do think that having Kevin Williamson back to pen the finale was a great move. I can’t quite put my finger on it but there was a little more heart behind the words. You can really truly tell that KW loves these characters and wanted to give them a proper good-bye. And many kudos to the actors as well — Michelle, Katie, Josh, James, and Kerr were amazing — they turned in great performances, probably in large part to the good material they were actually given to work with.

I enjoyed all the little behind the scenes clips that the WB showed during the breaks — very cool. I laughed out loud at the show being dubbed in Spanish. I giggled as they made fun of their hair through the years. And I smiled as Katie said in an interview “I was pretty thrilled by the ending. It’s the way it should be, I would say.” 😉

As for the down and dirty details…
Beware: this is totally random — I wrote most of this as I was watching (and re-watching!) the episode —

The teaser was a great opening — it was a completely self-aware moment of the show. Christopher making fun of Joey for watching the show was totally a shoutout to the fans —
Christopher: You are “possess[ed]… every Wednesday at 8 o’clock” by a “supernatural portal of teen angst.”
Joey: “I have an emotional connection to it you wouldn’t understand.” (That’s me!)
Christopher: “Will Sam choose Petey? Will Sam choose Colby? Find out next week as we continue to beat a dead dog all the way to syndication!” BWAH!

I was spoiled so the Doug and Jack’s relationship (and kisses!) didn’t take me by surprise. What *did* surprise me was that I actually liked them and their banter — calling each other “honey” and “dude”, the handcuffs. I’m really glad these two crazy kids will be raising Jen’s daughter — lucky girl. 😉

Aww, Pacey named his restaurant the IceHouse. He *so* loves Joey. 🙂 I didn’t really like the way the writers showed us that Pacey is in a relationship that can’t go anywhere — because the woman is married! And I especially couldn’t stand when he was being beat up by the woman’s husband and his friends. My poor Pacey!

Jen was positively glowing and beautiful throughout the entire episode! *sigh* And her baby Amy is so adorable. She was so cute in the group scene at the IceHouse — “You guys are the best friends I’ve ever had in my life. I love you so much. That is all. Good night.” Why did she have to die?!?

I loved all the Jack and Jen scenes, even though they had me all choked up and crying. 🙁
Jen: “I feel like I never really did.”
Jack: “Jen, you belong. You belong to me.” <– This had me in tears!

I fell in love with Pacey and Joey all over again when they see each other for the first time. They shared a huge bear hug and genuinely happy smiles. Awww. Then their dance at Gale’s wedding was just… wonderful. The little dip and the kiss — yowzers! The sparks are still there. 🙂 I loved the scene at the wake when they were trying to be honest with themselves and with each other — Pacey trying to let Joey “off the hook” — “The simple act of being in love with you is enough for me.” Yet Joey won’t have it — “Pacey, I love you. You know that. It’s very real – so real it’s kept me running. Never ready for it.” But now they are — and it made me so happy to see them together at the end sitting in Joey’s apartment together watching “The Creek.”

I’m glad the resolution to the triangle wasn’t the focus of the episode — and that it was a natural progression. They made it clear that Dawson and Joey had an unbreakable bond of friendship (I really loved their last scene together as they promised each other “You and me, always.”) while Pacey and Joey had the romance and fireworks.

Random observations:
I loved seeing the erase board with the character/story arc chart in the writers’ room for “The Creek.” So cool! I love that. Hee! to Dawson’s assistant saying “You have to talk to Ben today. He has no idea that his character’s coming out of the closet. He’s going to lose it.” Kerr, I’m looking at you!

I also liked that Dawson’s room in Capeside had a bunch of pictures and articles of him and his show — they even recreated Katie’s Rollingstone cover!

What was with all the wine in this episode? It seemed like Joey had a glass in her hand at all times or something. Weird.

Memorable quotes:
Jen (to Jack): “If you think that anything of any value in this world comes at an easier price, you?d be wrong.”

Joey: “Dreams aren’t perfect Dawson. They come true, not free.”

Jen (to Jack): “At first the odds were good. But you know me and odds.”

Pacey (to the gang in response to his going to see Jen first): “Send in the clown, huh?”

Pacey (to Joey): “It’s like I was walking around seeing my life through a smudged window. When I saw you, the smudges were gone. The window was clean.”

Joey (to Jen): “I know who I’m supposed to be with. I’ve always known.”

Grams (to Jen, just after she passes away): “I’ll see you soon, child. Soon.”

Sorry for the rambling — I couldn’t help it, I loved the finale! 🙂

13 thoughts on “it’s really over

  1. Im glad im the first one at work this morning so nobody sees me crying after just reading that. *sobs* big group hug!

  2. Well, I’m forcing myself not to read the rest of your entry, seeing as I’m hoping I’ll get to the finale with my downloading soon enough, but I’m glad to hear you liked it.. I can’t wait to see it. You must be the biggest DC fan I know, so I hope life isn’t too hard without it! 😉

  3. I couldn’t help it, i had to read your whole entry even though i don’t get to see the finale till Friday. I’m glad Pacey and Joey ‘end up’ together. Perfect way to end the show.

  4. All I can say is that my Jen rocks and she is truly amazing;) I am still so sad but I am overall happy with things, As Jen said" My death will serve a greater purpose." She got Pace and Joey together! ( I sure hope Joey told her who she picked!) and Jackers got to be happy! Still sucks she had to die though

  5. You know.. I recently discovered your site and kept coming back to it. As I read your blogs you remind me so much of ME!!! I felt like I grew up with Dawson’s Creek and it was an escape for me from all the stupid "high school" dramas… And the whole Pacey and Joey thing… I’m right there with you!! You have an awesome site!! Keep up the good work.

    Off topic: Jen’s performance amazed me. She did SO well!! Major kudos to her!!!

  6. I loved Dawson’s Creek a lot too it was very depressing that it’s ended but it was good. I loved the Dawson/Pacey/Joey conversation in the car. How Pacey brings up the triangle thing, Christopher calls and Dawson says "And the triangle has turned into a square," it was so great. But now there is no square nor triangle. *sniff*. Like you said overall it was a good way to end the show.

  7. i can’t get over how great the finale was, it ended on a good note, and had me in tears…i’m gonna miss the show too. :*(

  8. The finale was so amazing. Just reading your post is making me cry again. I’m is such a state of depression right now. 🙁 I miss the show already. But, I thought they ended it perfectly.

  9. Kel~ I just had to pop in and see what you thought of the finale. I LOVED it.. probably the best finale i have ever seen of any show. For all the reasons you stated above, it was so incredibly sad and then so incredibly happy! I was thrilled to know that Katie felt that joey should be with pacey too, but still keep the connection with dawson. The scene with joey/dawson on the table was outstanding and the one with her and pacey before that, just as much so! They all did a fantastic job, Michelle was amazing and Kerr was perfect.. it was a wonderful ending to a great show! I am totally inspired again for some P/J art.. 😀 already did one a few days ago, but definitely need more! Off to watch it again.. and thank god for TBS so i can catch up on ones I missed!

  10. Oy vey, now I’m totally not sure if I want to watch at all. I probably will as I am a glutton for punishment, especially the D/J kind.

  11. Kel, I’m still reeling. It’s hard to believe that there will be no DC ep next Wednesday. That there will never be a new ep, again. *sigh*

    I rewatched the finale and yeah…I’m loving it even more. *sigh* There was some great stuff last night. *sniffs*

    I noticed the Rolling Stone cover, too! I giggled at the end where they kept the song lyrics in the dialogue. Hee!

  12. I’ve finally seen it! There were times when i was almost in tears and my brother was like "You’re crying over a TV show?!"
    I thought it was pretty good except i was wishing for more Pacey and Joey interaction.
    I kinda felt like Michelle wasn’t playing the Jen that i remember. Her preformance was awesome but it just didn’t have me believing it was Jen.
    I also loved how they played songs that i remember from season 1 and 2 DC episodes like ‘I’ll Be’ by Edwin McCane. That was like the season 1 DC theme!
    Ok, enought rambling. I gotta go get the DC Season 1 DVD’s now!

  13. I finally just saw the DC finale and it was amazng! I don’t think I have cried so much during a TV show in a really long time. I’m really looking forward to catching up on all the episodes I missed. I used to love this show so much when the WGN was airing it. I love the show all over again and am really looking forward to watching it in syndication. I really loved the teaser too – hilarious!

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