Found this meme on Chef Messy and thought I’d give it a whirl…
100 People, Places, and Things that I LOVE
(Well, mostly things… 😛 Oh, and in no particular order…)
01. Rob
02. Dad
03. best friends Carmen and Robyn
04. cousin Riz
05. my crazy family
06. friends I keep in touch with from my old job (I miss them so)
07. my Dad’s house (there’s no place like home and all that)
08. Paris (I’m so in love with the city of lights)
09. Disneyland
10. hiking up Diamond Head crater on Oahu
11. UC Berkeley
12. online shopping (I’m a total shopaholic and sometimes I’m just way too lazy to go to a mall and walk from store to store — that can take forever!)
13. my blog
13. Chik-fil-A (OMG, whenever I go home, I *have* to pick up a chicken sandwich from here. SO. GOOD. I wish they had stores in the Bay Area).
14. working in San Francisco
15. dim sum
16. ballet
17. my aunt’s baked macaroni (yum)
18. the musical Rent
19. spa weekends with my best friends (well, we’ve only had 1 so far but I know I’m going to love future weekends too)
20. Bub, the teddy bear Rob got me for Valentine’s Day 3 years ago
21. sleeping in on the weekends
22. Dawson’s Creek (I was watching some season 1 episodes over the weekend and it’s still my most favorite show ever)
23. chocolate croissants
24. my iPod
25. Wikipedia
26. Tivo
27. triple oxygen facial from Bliss spa
28. Christmas shopping for my loved ones (yes, even though all the stores are super crowded)
29. travelling (I wish I had more time off and more disposable income to travel more often)
30. Fridays
31. peppermint mochas
32. Country Apple lotion from Bath and Body Works
33. warm weather (but not HOT!)
34. pedicures
35. breakfast from McDonald’s (I know, I know)
36. Anne of Green Gables book series
37. TV on DVD
38. decorating my Christmas tree
39. chick lit
40. Harry Potter book and movie series
41. hugs
42. the Olympics (winter and summer)
43. Cookie Monster
44. fuzzy socks
45. cherry blossoms
46. reading spoilers for the shows I watch
47. Shu Uemura skincare products
48. Nordstrom
49. Orange Dream Machine from Jamba Juice
50. my laptop
51. handbags
53. Indian food
54. R2-D2
55. chocolate-covered strawberries
56. cupcakes
57. Spark glossimer by Chanel
58. post-its
59. winter wool coats
60. scarves
61. Target
62. reading a book or magazine in bed
63. my goose-down comforter
64. concerts
65. jeans (I wish I could wear jeans to work every day — casual Friday is not enough!)
66. jewelry boxes
67. pho
68. mixed fruit salad with Cool Whip on top!
69. Henri Bendel candles
70. milk tea with tapioca pearls
71. Collide by Howie Day
72. getting all dressed up to go out
73. vanity tables (if I ever have the space, I am so getting one)
74. Justin Timberlake
75. getting things in the mail that aren’t JUNK
76. grocery shopping
77. not working through lunch
78. coming home after a few days away (as much as I love vacations, I always miss sleeping in my own bed)
79. wrap dresses (they conceal the not-so-toned parts of me pretty well)
80. the feeling after a good dance class or workout (even though I’m whining the whole way to the gym)
81. Poison by Bell Biv Devoe
82. playing board games with friends
83. jewelry from Tiffany & Co
84. mp3s
85. GAP Body
86. rainy days when I can stay at home
87. comfortable heels
88. long, dangly earrings
89. looking through old photo albums
90. Burberry London perfume
91. having alone time
92. accents (they’re damn sexy)
93. checking out the Google homepage when it’s a holiday
94. travel shows like Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown (sure, they’re cheesy but I can live vicariously through the hosts)
95. imagining what my wedding would be like (I’m a dork :P)
96. Everwood
97. writing to-do lists
98. a steady paycheck
99. cooking something that Rob enjoys
100. reading all the great comments all of you leave me. You’re the bestest!
Phew. That was fun. 🙂