Can you guys believe that the only really exciting that’s happened in the last week is that Rob and I finally bought a new couch? 🙂
We can finally get rid of that navy blue IKEA abomination (see photo meme pics). WOOT. I’m going to try and sell it but for now, it’s in the corner of our dining room along with a small side table that we no longer have room for. IT’S A TOTAL MESS IN HERE.
Anyway, since this is a totally lame-o entry, I bring you a song to download from Timbaland’s upcoming album —
Right click, save as…
username: cookie
password: monster
Timbaland ft. Justin Timberlake and Nelly Furtado – Give It To Me
Ooh a new couch, lol I almost said car! That’s me *blush*