I saw The Hangover a few weekends ago and it was HILARIOUS. At first, I thought it was going to be one of those movies where all the funny stuff is in the trailers. NOT SO. I haven’t laughed so hard in a REALLY REALLY long time. I loved it!
I highly recommend this movie to everyone. Ok, I take that back. If you’re female and get offended easily by stereotypes, I would probably skip this movie. The movie isn’t kind to women and the major female characters are pretty ridiculous (stripper with a heart of gold, girlfriend who cheated and is a raging b*tch). If you can get past those cliches, though, this is a good movie. Really.
This is usually the part of the post where I list some of my favorite quotes… unfortunately, I can’t post any because I would have to censor them all. Heh.
So go see this movie! And don’t forget to stay for the end credits. Trust me. 🙂
fat jesus
I’m probably one of the few people who HASN’T seen this movie yet. I keep hearing how funny it is…Maybe I will have to see it then. 🙂