Grr — I hate my stupid old computer. I wrote this really really long blog entry and of course, just as I as about to post it, my computer freaks out and erases the entire thing. I hate this thing with a passion.
So I got to see Episode II (the midnight showing) and I thought it was great fun! It was much better than Episode I but I liked that one as well. 😛 I loved the lightsaber duel between Yoda/Dooku, Mace Windu’s dialogue (I don’t think so!), the R2D2/C3PO banter, and of course, all the Obi-Wan action — especially the one where he’s having a drink at the Coruscant bar and then — bam! He’s doing some major ass-kicking. Surprisingly, I wasn’t too taken with the Ani/Ami romance, although I thought I would be. I’m normally a total sucker when it comes to romances. I just didn’t get *why* she started to love him — I didn’t really see a development or natural progression to their story but that’s just me. Natalie and Hayden were great though and I did enjoy their picnic scenes.
Rob (my boyfriend) has developed a SW obsession — he bought the action figures for Mace Windu, Jango Fett, and Padme. AND he ordered Yoda, R2D2, Anakin with the duel lightsaber, and another Mace from Amazon. lol. He even bought me the Obi-Wan toy cause he knows how much I love him. ::giggly smile::
Gah. I have to be at work tomorrow at 5:30 am! AM! It’s terribly insane to be up that early on a Sunday morning, I know. I’m going to be working at this huge event in San Francisco called Bay to Breakers. It’s the world’s largest footrace (or so they say) and it starts at the edge of the San Francisco Bay, crosses the city and ends at the breakers of the Pacific Ocean. I think I’m going to be helping out with registration and check-in for the runners and participants. Should be lots of fun, but tiring as well.
Ahhh… working on a sunday morning’s never my thing either. =P Oh well, just take it all in your stride. 😉 And whoa about Rob’s SW obsession. That’s probably something I’d do too lol. Although I didn’t do that when I was into LOTR… but anyways. 🙂 Have a good week! 🙂
star wars was awesome! i love it. hehe. 🙂 and i as well liked yoda kicking butt.
at least your bf didn’t develop his SW obsession before the film came out, he might have made you go stand in line with him for hours. 🙂 just a thought. have fun at the race.
aah ! I want to see Star Wars too !!