season openers rock

Just got done watching 3 hours of TV — hee, I’m so giddy! (Why yes, I realize that I am a bum).

I really enjoyed the season premiere of BtVS — it laid the foundation for the rest of the season without being too heavy-handed and serious. It was funny and light-hearted (“Is there anything you don’t know everything about?” “Synchronized swimming. It’s a mystery to me.” — hee!), which is just what I wanted after what I found to be a dark Season 6. I didn’t like the foreshadowing for Dawn: The Vampire Slayer — blah. I also found Anya’s scene to be kind of tacked on, like an afterthought or something. Not too sure how I feel about insaneSpike yet. And I love that they’re back at the high school but did anyone else think that it was really bright? Weird. But damn, the last 5 minutes just floored me. It was really chilling to see Warren, Glory, Adam, Dru, the Mayor, the Master and finally Buffy herself — “It’s not about right. It’s not about wrong. It’s about power.” Just, wow.
Oh, and the new principal — yuuumm. 😛 And please, more Giles. Thanks.

The Smallville premiere was… ok. I liked all the Clark/Lex scenes — but for purely superficial reasons. 😛 Seriously though, the only character I really cared about was Lex — I love angsty Lex. Oh, and Chloe rocked too — I found her tears to be extremely realistic. I normally like Lana too but tonight she was kind of… eh. But maybe my opinion on the show is slightly biased because I miss Whitney. 🙁 Bring him back!

I also watched The Real Word: Las Vegas — what can I say? I like to torture myself. But really, what the heck is wrong with these people? It’s the second episode (and the 4th day according to them) and already there’s a threesome going on. My head hurts.

Gah, it’s getting late — I guess I have to watch my tape of Gilmore Girls tomorrow — who in the world decided to make my life so difficult by placing GG against BtVS? Grr.

11 thoughts on “season openers rock

  1. Hi Kel – glad you enjoyed Buffy, I completely loved it, I thought it was a great episode with a wow ending. Poor Spike, I felt so sorry for him but as always he looked yummy 🙂

  2. I watched about as much TV as you did. Hehe. I must admit, I wasn’t all that impressed with the premiere for Buffy. Maybe it’s just me. *shrug* But Spike looked HOT. Good god. I was floored when he showed up at the door. Smallville was good though. 🙂 My favorite character is Chloe. I just love that girl too pieces. I felt sorry for her though. Real World is just… DRAMA. My head hurted right along with you. 😉 Later, sis. :::muah:::

  3. i watched 2 hours too. hee. 🙂 btvs – awesome, awesome. the whatever creepy thing were called were quite frightening. i liked the thing at the end too, very interesting. spike – james marsters. yumm. the principal was on once & again last year. 🙂 smallville was alright. not that great. i liked lex this time too. he was the character that stood out. but lana, she was kind of mean to clark, not mean, but sort of threatening or something. it might be just the way kristin kreuk acted the scene though.

  4. couldn’t see the season premiere…hope that they aren’t considering making a spin off with dawn after the show ends…

  5. I saw a few minutes of the Buffy premiere. It was okay, but then I had to do homework. And I have to do homework now too. Physics test tomorrow. Noooooo. Sob.
    But I saw some of the Gilmore Girls premiere. Is it just me? Or is Rory starting to get really, really whiny? Heh. But yeah, I feel evil when I say that, so I won’t. 🙂
    And yay! Jennifer Aniston won the Emmy. Yay.

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