The Dawson’s Creek season 3 DVDs are out tomorrow (or today depending on when you read this)! WOOHOO!
I’m over the moon excited about having this season on DVD. (PACEY & JOEY!) My tapes are not in good condition after the repeated viewings over the years. I still have to wait until Wednesday to get my grubby little hands on the DVD set, though, because Amazon shipped them today and I paid for 2-day shipping. Hehe.
My only concern is the music! Guh. I wish it was possible to keep the original music for the DVD releases but there are monetary obstacles. Of course. If anyone’s interested, here is the complete list of replacement songs…
— I can’t believe the theme song was changed! WOW. I wasn’t expecting that at all. I *always* watch the credits (don’t know why but I do) and now… it’ll be weird. I can’t believe I won’t be hearing I don’t wanna wait anymore…
— Yes! “Hold On” in 301 made the cut. The Pacey/Joey dock scene wouldn’t be the same without it.
— Yes! “That Would Be Good” also made it in 308. I was worried about this one because Alanis Morissette is a popular artist and I figured the fees for this song would be too high. Anyway, yay!
— *clunk* NO! “Both Sides Now” was replaced in 312 when Pacey watches Joey fall asleep. I love that Joni Mitchell song.
— *gasp* “In Your Keeping” from 320 didn’t make it! This is killing me. This song is so damn angsty and fit perfectly with Joey standing alone on the dock at the end of the episode.
— Score! “My Invitation” from Pacey and Joey’s prom dance in 322 made it. Phew! That scene is very high on my all-time favorite DC scenes and I’m happy they didn’t mess with it.
— “I Will Be There For You” got the ax. Crap. That’s when Joey runs down the dock to find Pacey in 323…
— But YES! Pacey and Joey sailing away to “Days Like These” in 323 is still intact. Another sigh of relief. The end of the entire season must not be messed with.
I guess I’m a little disappointed in some of the songs they chose to replace (especially the theme song) but overall I’m just *so* happy that this season is being released on DVD. I know I’m going to be spending my weekend in front of the TV. 🙂
All the changes are so stupid. I hate that they had to replace all those songs, ESPECIALLY "Both Sides Now." It is one of my favourite DC scenes of all time. Yuck. Screw musical rights.
Season 3? Dawson’s Creek? They’re out in the US? Over here Season 2 has just been just released…. I’ve just recently discovered DC (actually when my best mate bought Season 1 and 2 on DVD) so I got a lot to catch up! *unfair*
Love this site! They layout is fab! 🙂
kjhkjs!! How can DC is not DC without “I Don’t Wanna Wait“! I was looking over the list and so many of the songs I loved have been cut! Le sigh. I still have to get S2 before I buy S3. I was just recently watching some of my old tapes from S4 and i’m on a total DC kick now! 😀
Wow, that’s awful . . . almost every good song replaced. WTF?
I actually really love Jann Arden’s ‘Run Like Mad’. I think it’s pretty, and more pertinent than ‘I Don’t Wanna Wait’. Still, you would have thought they’d fight pretty hard for that one song. (Ditto I find it ridiculous that they replaced The Who on the CSI DVDs.)
Why did they change the theme song? You’d think that would be the one song that they would be able to keep. Sheesh.
Yeah I wasn’t happy that Roswell’s music got changed either but after watching it, I’m ok with it 🙂 Maybe it’ll be ok too?
Thanks for the b-day wishes, Kel. 🙂 And awww. I missed out on the gmail account thing. I would’ve liked to have one. 🙁
nooooo they replaced Time after time and Before you and Stay you. Ugh I cannot go down the whole list. But I’m annoyed that they replaced all the Chantal Kreviazuk songs :plain:
*goes to pout*