they’re here!

SCORE! My Dawson’s Creek DVDs came today! I wasn’t expecting them until tomorrow so it was such a pleasant surprise to come home and find them here. Yayayayay. rocks my world.

I only watched a little bit of it so far and I have to say that the image quality of this set is *much* better than that of season 2. The picture is vibrant and gorgeous and it’s not noticeably grainy like the previous set. Right on.

The theme song change isn’t that bad either. The first few times I watched the credits it was a bit jarring not to hear Paula Cole but I do think ‘Run Like Mad’ is a better song overall. I guess if changing it saved money for the other songs, then I’m not going to complain.

Also, there’s a little insert that says Season 4 is coming soon! I’m such a Happy Kelly today. 😀

8 thoughts on “they’re here!

  1. Hee. 🙂 I find it very very strange that they changed the theme song at this stage in the game, but at least it’s to one I know. We had RLM for the first season over here and watching the S1 DVDs without it was strange.

  2. I think I may have to surrender and finally buy myself some Dawson’s DVDs. With such a fan like myself, I am quite suprised I haven’t gotten any of the DVDs yet!

    But S4–there is no way I can resist it! Waaay too much P/J angsty looove moments to resist!

    *pouts* I wish I had some money to buy S3. S3 is the grreeeaatest season ever! I’m such a crazed P/J shippaaah! 😉

    Well–my birthday is coming soon–maybe someone will get them for me. 🙂 😀 😀

  3. I’m SO relieved and impressed with the season 3 DVD. I didn’t buy season 2 on DVD but I was looking for graininess or bad quality on this one and couldn’t find any. The one song that was like mustnotbechangedforanyreason for me was "Days Like These" so I was completely happy with the music changes. And omg the cover is soso pretty and dude, DVDs are so much better than tapes. Can’t wait for season 4! They better leave in "This Year’s Love", that’s all I gotta say.

  4. I’m so excited, I’m going this afternoon to get my S3 set! I can’t wait! And you should definitely check out QAF, it’s worth the rent! 🙂

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