new 90210 + pb

First, I want to wish my friend Ricardo a Happy Belated Birthday! He’s one of my few real-life guy friends who actually reads this thing so I had to give him a shout-out (this does not sound right coming from me). 😀

Anyway, had a very lazy 4-day weekend. My back hurt (have no idea why – I haven’t been to the gym since before the wedding) so I lay in bed and watched a lot of CSI. (What’s new, right?)

Is it just me or did Entertainment Weekly not have their annual Fall TV preview issue this year? I LOVE that issue. It’s like my new TV season bible. Seriously. I always read it from cover to cover trying to figure out my TV schedule for the new year. It never arrived and all of a sudden the season started this past Monday. I was not prepared.

I haven’t watched Gossip Girl or One Tree Hill yet but I did catch the new 90210 (terrible) and Prison Break (interesting) so of course I have a few comments (beware of spoilers).

I wanted to like this show (the original is one of my favorite shows ever) but I didn’t. It dragged. The dialogue was awful. The characters were mostly unlikable. The only things I enjoyed were the references to the original show… like Kelly and Brenda’s guest appearances, Nat and the Peach Pit (it looks like a coffee shop now, blah), the teacher joking that Hannah Zuckerman-Vazquez (Andrea’s daughter!) looks 30… everything else was pretty “meh.”
I was not feeling Annie and Dixon, aka the new Brenda and Brandon. Dixon is tolerable. Annie is incredibly annoying. I don’t know if Shenae Grimes always acts like that but she was too… over the top. She needed to tone it down. A lot. Just like the Grandma. I didn’t like her at all. The parents are okay (Rob Estes is still pretty cute but why oh why did they have to give his character that ridiculous adoption storyline with his old girlfriend — ugh). I’m still undecided on Naomi, Adrianna and Ethan (he seems like a decent guy and I did like his interaction with Annie) but I really enjoyed Navid and Silver (Kelly and David’s sister!).

I’ll probably check out a few more episodes but I don’t know… I loved the original show and this new version just doesn’t have the same appeal to me so far.

Prison Break
I didn’t watch Prison Break at all last season but when I heard Sarah Wayne Callies was coming back, I had to check it out. And I liked it. They seemed to explain away the previous season very quickly, which I didn’t mind since I didn’t watch it. Hee. And of course, it was all too convenient that each of the main characters somehow found themselves arrested again only to find out that the key to get out of jail is participation in a scheme to steal information about The Company. I love that I always have to suspend belief when watching this show.

I also loved the Michael and Sara reunion. But you probably already knew that. 😀 They were just the right balance of happy, relieved, anxious, hesitant. Mmm.

A couple of laugh out loud moments…
— Bellick screaming and throwing up his arms when his mom picked him up
— “I actually had to slow down not to catch you.” — Mahone to Bellick after their fake purse snatch
— “Did you have some bad Mexican?” — Random guy to T-Bags. EWWW. Can T-Bags GO AWAY???

Anyway, I’m back on board. WOOT.

5 thoughts on “new 90210 + pb

  1. 90210 comments: Dude, I LOVE the grandma! Maybe cuz she’s the exact same character she played on Arrested Development…I just think she’s hilarious. I didn’t like her at the beginning of AD, but I grew to love her after spending 3 seasons with her. As for the rest of the characters, I thought they were casted pretty well, yes, even Annie. She reminds me of how Brenda was when she first arrived, too OA. I’m not that crazy about Lori Laughlin yet, but I’m sure I’ll get used to her. I like the teacher though, he’s cute. And I really like Silver and Navid too. But you’re right, some of the story lines aren’t all that captivating yet. I’m willing to stick around a little longer.

  2. Couldn’t agree with you more on the new 90210. Your first paragraph especially. I loved seeing Kelly and Brenda again and was way more interested in them than in the high school kids. I did like the grandma just because I have fond memories of her as Lucille Bluth on Arrested Development but I think her talent is kind of wasted on this show.
    And why, why did Annie seem to giggle at EVERYTHING! Drove me nuts. Also, Ethan is nowhere near Luke Perry or Jason Priestly hotness, not even Ian Ziering! It just shows you cannot remake a classic like 90210 I guess.

  3. LOL ITA with you on both Prison Break and 90210, which was truly awful. *sigh* It had such potential!

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