It’s like the third week of the fall TV season and I’m ALREADY BEHIND. 2 of episodes of Gilmore Girls and 1 episode of The OC are sitting on the Tivo… EEK. I have some serious catching up to do this weekend.
Possible spoilers below…
America’s Next Top Model
Caught the last half of the 2-hour premiere thanks to the Tuesday reruns on UPN. There’s so much Miss Jay this season. I LOVE IT! He definitely makes up for the lack of Janice. Without him, the judging panel would be a total snoozefest. I was a little surprised at the elimination but I’ve finally come to realize that Tyra gets rid of whoever she feels like and not who actually *should* go.
Supernatural 1.03
I still watch this show with my hand partially covering my eyes. I can’t help it — I’m a scaredy cat. Plus, the haunting music doesn’t help. Anyway, I thought the “Monster of the Week” storyline was a little confusing and vague (I mean, WHY were all the killings accelerated? I didn’t get it) but I really enjoyed Amy Acker. I’m sad that her character was only around for this episode. She and Dean could have had something! I can find a ‘ship on ANY show, hehe. But my favorite ‘ship on the show is definitely Sam/Dean. Their brotherly banter is what keeps me watching every week. You know, I never really cared for Jared Padalecki as an actor before (I liked him on Gilmore Girls though he was a little bland) but I think he’s really great on this show. He’s becoming very watchable.
Lost 1.02, Adrift
This episode was so frustrating! I guess it was all the backtracking. I know it was necessary to go back and fill in the story introduced in the premiere but… ARGH. I’m just too impatient. 😛 Anyway, I totally fell in love with Michael and Sawyer in this episode. “What are you gonna do? Splash me?” HEE! They care. Even if it is begrudgingly. It was such a bittersweet moment when they saw the island and called it “home.” Is Michelle Rodriguez finally going to appear next week?!? Can’t wait!
Veronica Mars
SQUEE. I LOVED the premiere. (Well, I do have 1 nitpick and her name is Naima. UGH. Didn’t like her on America’s Next Top Model and I sure didn’t care for her on VM. Why was she there?!). I want to watch the episode again but I have to say that since I pretty much ‘ship Veronica with everyone — Duncan, Logan, Leo — this episode totally made my night! LOL. I also really liked seeing more of Dick (“My name is Richaaard.”) and the introduction of Charisma Carpenter’s character was classic. I’m not sure how I feel about the season-long “mystery” yet — I guess after Lilly’s murder nothing will compare. It seems interesting enough but I wonder if it’ll really keep our attention for 20+ episodes?
Sophia Bush and Chad Michael Murray are now separated. They’ve only been married since April! That’s awful. 🙁 But I can’t help but wonder what this means for their characters on One Tree Hill. EEEK.
Well just think, on VM, Naima won’t be around anymore cause ya know, she died. So that takes her out and now you can enjoy again. 😀 Though I’m kind of wondering like you, who are they going to make the story arc continue for another 20 episodes.
I’m behind on shows too, Kel! Gah, it’s amazing how much of Gilmore Girls I’ve already missed.
I can’t believe they’re seperated already. I remember watching The House of Wax special on MTV not too long ago…and he was just proposing to her.
I thought I heard about a month ago about CMM & Sophia. Tis sad but honestly, I thought they were too young to get married anyway. Plus, 50% of marriages don’t work and I’m sure it’s much different than dating/livinig together…
I have n’t watched like any shows this week, they’re all waiting for me at home on video (in class right now hehe I’m bad).
I thought the VM premiere was so good. I can’t believe it took me so long to actually watch the show and now I can’t miss it. I don’t think any mystery is ever going to be as good on there as who killed Lilly.
Before Chad and Sophia even got married there were rumors that they weren’t going to go through with it so I’m surprised it lasted as long as it did. Hopefully now Lucas and Brooke won’t get together.