House Update.
The first and second floors have been framed. And the roof trusses installed. I can’t believe the progress in just a few weeks…
House Update.
The first and second floors have been framed. And the roof trusses installed. I can’t believe the progress in just a few weeks…
I have BIG NEWS. Yes, the kind that requires capital letters.
ROB AND I BOUGHT A HOUSE!!! Ok fine. It’s actually a detached condo. But still…
*happy dance*
It’s been a total whirlwind of a week…
– On Wednesday, we turned in our deposit (biggest check we’ve ever written) and signed 2.5 hours worth of disclosure agreements and contracts.
– Yesterday we went to the design studio and were greeted with this :)…
We spent 4 hours choosing all our options from door hardware, cabinetry, countertops, electrical/security, lighting, appliances, flooring, etc. The biggest thing we splurged on was hardwood floors for the entire first floor. I was not prepared for the cost. I went into serious sticker shock. !!! But we had decided prior to our appointment that upgrading the flooring was our main priority (the standard is a combination of carpet and tile) so we took the plunge. Overall, sitting down and going over all the options for every single area of the house was good for us first-time homebuyers — I mean, who knew that we would have to consider the location of our hose bibs and data/cable/phone jacks? Or that we’d have to make decisions about the edging of our chosen countertops? I DID NOT.
– Then today, we met with the in-house lender to finalize our loan application. This part is not so fun. But we have a great rep who’s taken so much time to go over tons of scenarios for us. It’s definitely been an eye-opening and educational experience.
SO. Would you like to see our house?
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