In the same vein as Gela, I shall share my own list of goals that, ideally, should be accomplished by the end of the year.
1. Find a job I’m passionate about.
I’ve become way too passive — my current job is not exciting or intellectually challenging — it’s just *there.* I mean, the hours are perfect (8am-5pm and I never have to stay late or bring work home) and the money is good. My only problem with it is that it is one big routine — never anything new or interesting to do. I would love to work at the marketing department at the radio station where I used to intern while in college, if only they would have job openings!
2. Apply to graduate schools.
In answer to Amy’s question, I would like to receive my Master’s in Media Communication or Media Studies. I’m currently researching various universities and the types of programs they offer so I don’t really have a “get in or die” list of schools yet. Maybe USC or UC Berkeley, which is where I received my undergraduate degree. The one thing I’m worried about is getting letters of recommendation. I really should have made more of an effort to get to know my professors. ::sigh::
3. Get at least a 700 on the verbal section of the GRE.
This section of the test is SO hard — there’s antonyms, synonyms, reading comprehension and the analogies (my personal hell). The worst thing is that the test is done on a computer so if you remember the meaning of a word ten minutes later, you can’t go back and correct your answer. My score was average the first time I took it but if I want to get into a competitive program, I need to have a competitive score. Gah.
4. Get in better physical shape.
I used to be really active in college especially since just to get from class to class, it’s like a mile long hike. Heh, well, not a mile *really* but it felt like it — see, this is the crazy campus I had to maneuver just to get to my classes. Anyway, I’ve been severely lax when it comes to exercise and I’m not really helping by consuming lots of junk food. Rob and I have been pretty good about jogging around our apartment complex — I guess going to Hawaii in a month is really good motivation. 🙂
5. Create a mini-fansite for Pacey/Joey or DC in general.
Actually, now that I’ve made this a goal, I don’t really know how plausible it is. I loooove P/Jo and the show but after Season 5, I kinda lost interest. Plus, since Season 6 is rumored to be the last, and the show hasn’t exactly been gaining fans (losing fans is probably more like it), I don’t know if it’ll be worth my time. I don’t know — we’ll see.
6. Learn how to use PhotoShop.
I have PS 7.0 — I opened it up a few weekends back and it freaked the heck out of me. I’m just so used to PSP. I know where everything is and it’s just easier. But I have PS so I might as well learn.
You know, I wish that I had this blog back when I was in college — I think it would have helped me relieve the stress of school life. Darn. Cause just now, while I was writing out my goals above, I really felt like it helped me to clear my head — I don’t feel like such a mess anymore. 🙂
Random: I never knew that Shane West was on an episode of BtVS. Wow, he’s all hot and sweaty. Must watch A Walk to Remember.
[edit: The episode Shane is in is called “Go Fish.” 🙂 It’s only like 30 seconds but he’s in the steam room. Heh.]