west wing s2

Spent the entire weekend watching my West Wing s2 DVDs. I forgot how much I loved this season. In the Shadow of Two Gunmen, 18th and Potomac and Two Cathedrals… incredible. Plus, all the great Charlie/POTUS scenes! *hearts Charlie* I’ve just ordered season 3 and I can’t wait to have another weekend marathon. I haven’t seen these episodes since they first aired so everything is new again.

And in lieu of a “what I did this weekend” entry (since all I did was watch DVDs, heh), a meme…

The Fannish Five

Name 5 movies you thought you would hate, but didn’t.
1. Saved!
2. Gangs of New York
3. School of Rock (not a Jack Black fan)
4. The Rules of Attraction
5. Maid In Manhattan

Have a good week everyone!

more TV comments

More TV comments…

Spell was… a waste of time. And to think I was actually looking forward to it because I enjoyed the previous episode Transference so much. It was good to see Lois again, though. It’s only been a few episodes but I missed her! Lex playing the piano with bloody fingers is an image I want to burn from my mind. *shivers* But it looks like Christie’s right — the writers are totally moving steadily towards some kind of Lex/Lana relationship. I’ve been waiting for this storyline but now I’m torn cause I have a soft spot for Lana/Jason. Though that’s probably just due to the fact that I have a crush on Jensen Ackles. Hee. Anyway, the one scene that I absolutely loved (and made the entire episode worth it) was when possessed!Clark was dancing with Lana at the barn party. BWAH! That was so awesome.

I don’t watch Charmed but I’ll have to catch the next episode cause… Kerr Smith! Mmm.

The West Wing
I *obviously* haven’t watched this show in a loooong time. Cause I finally tune in tonight and all of a sudden, CJ’s Chief of Staff! Which means Leo’s not around. *sniff* There’s also some new character (Annabeth, I think?) who I did not care for. She reminded me of Mandy and that’s not a good sign. I need to find recaps of the previous episodes because it completely drove me crazy that I didn’t know what the heck was going on.

American Dreams
This show kills me. Last week had me in tears. From the very beginning when the Pryors were trying to regain a sense of normalcy after being informed that JJ was MIA… to the very end when they received JJ’s tape and heard his own voice telling them that he may no longer be alive. Agghhh, I know that JJ’s perfectly fine but I can’t help it! I just want JJ to be back home. Specifically with Beth and his baby. Speaking of couples, this show is really testing my shipping loyalty with all these new characters as love interests for the regulars. I don’t like Cal, or Angela, or Chris (I don’t know if it’s Milo’s acting or what but his portrayal of Chris reminds me too much of Jess from Gilmore Girls). I don’t like anybody getting in the way of JJ/Beth and Meg/Sam.

Gilmore Girls
I’m very likely the only person who’ll say this but I’m kinda sad that Rory and Dean broke up. I know, I know… the storyline’s been dragged out and it’s getting tired and sad. I know all that. But I’m irrational when it comes to couples I love. I do like Logan though so I’m looking forward to their inevitable romantic relationship. After all, he *is* on all the GG billboards.

I still have to catch up on a few episodes of Lost. But that’ll probably have to wait until the weekend. There’s just not enough time in the day for all the TV that I watch. Hee.

spyware sucks

OMG. I hate spyware.

I was trying to look for Jamie Cullum lyrics on some site and then… BAM! Pop-up after pop-up after pop-up… and then something seemed to be downloading onto my computer and I couldn’t stop it! ARGH. $#@! Stupid lyrics site. I’ve run both Adaware and Spybot and the weird toolbars/unwanted programs seem to have gone away but I still have the occasional pop-up. Anyone know what else I can do?

Spyware sucks. Thank goodness my laptop is still safe from evil. For now.

I spent the entire weekend watching my West Wing season 1 DVDs. *sigh* So good. I watched 19 episodes in 2 days! I’m a little pissed though because the 4th disc doesn’t work. Grr. I wanted to check out the special features but when I put the disc into my DVD player, it made a really weird noise and then “No Disc” appeared on the screen. I tried to play the disc on my laptop as well but the same thing happened. Fabulous. Now I have to package the darn thing and mail it back to Deep Discount DVD, which is kind of a pain. I’ll have to wait another week or so to get the replacement set. I guess this is why I should just buy my DVDs from a normal brick and mortar store. No waiting.

I also managed to watch the series premiere of Desperate Housewives on Sunday night and I really, really liked it. Great, another TV show to watch regularly. Heh. I read that it did well in the ratings — if the ratings stay consistent or get better, I wonder what’s going to happen come January when Alias is slated to return to the timeslot? Will they move one of the shows to a different timeslot? Should be interesting.

mid-season wrap up

Since it’s close to hiatus time, I thought I would do a little mid-season commentary of all the shows I started to watch this season…

Everwood – My saving grace this season. The show has continually gotten better and better with each episode. I may not necessarily like the direction of some storylines (Ephram/Madison and Andy/Linda) but I appreciate that the characters are being true to themselves. I do miss Colin, though. *sniff*

Las Vegas – Truly a guilty pleasure. 😀 It’s not really a great show plot-wise or anything (it’s usually downright predictable) but I think it’s a lot of fun. Plus, Josh Duhamel!!! LOVE him. He’s adorable.

Skin – I didn’t even get the chance to watch a whole episode before it got axed by FOX. I recorded the pilot (never got around to watching it and I probably taped over it) and watched about 15 minutes of the second episode. What I saw had potential though I didn’t fall in love. I enjoyed Adam Roam however. *g*

Gilmore Girls – I haven’t been watching this show faithfully like I used to. This season hasn’t grabbed me at all. I don’t really enjoy Digger or Marty and I wish there was more Lane and Paris. And as much as I love Rory, the girl is getting on my nerves.

One Tree Hill – OMG. New obsession. The show didn’t jump out at me right away but I kept watching (pretty much only because it airs right after GG and 24 hadn’t premiered yet). After a few episodes, the show seemed to find its legs so to speak — the improved writing has made me care about these characters. I’ve also found my ship of the season on this show — Nathan/Haley. LOVE. 🙂

24 – Still on my “must watch” list. But it still consistently gets me frustrated. I’m frustrated with Jack’s stubbornness, I’m frustrated with Kim’s hair, I’m frustrated with Tony’s condition, etc. etc. But I guess getting emotionally involved in a show is a good thing.

Smallville – I’ve enjoyed all the episodes this season so far, with the exception of the totally random retro episode. The most recent episode, Shattered, rocked. The acting was fantastic, there was lots of Clark and Lex (and even Clex!), and the storyline was actually captivating — something I was seriously missing from this show. My heart seriously hurt after seeing Lex at the end. *sob* Can’t wait til January.

The O.C. – *sigh* I adore this show. And I love Seth/Summer even more. Die Anna die! hehe. I’ve been hooked ever since it premiered back in August. It’s just excellent cheeky fun. 😀 But if TPTB mess with Sandy/Kirsten — %$^#@! There will be hell to pay.

The West Wing – I watched the premiere and that’s it. 🙁 I always forget that the show is on, probably because it’s on at the same time as The O.C. I still *must* purchase the s1 DVDs but the show just doesn’t have the same magic that it did for me in the earlier seasons.

Friends – I have to say that I was definitely not a fan of the Joey/Rachel romance so I’m glad that it was over and done with quickly. I adore Monica/Chandler so I’m happy to see them with an ongoing storyline this season. I can’t wait to see Chandler (he’s my favorite friend!) with a baby. Too cute. I’m so going to miss this show next season!

Tru Calling – Saw the premiere and wasn’t compelled to watch any episodes following. My Eliza love can only go so far. I’ve read the FOX ordered 7 more episodes. Wow. I totally didn’t see that coming. I thought cancellation was on the horizon.

CSI – Still rocks. And now there’s Xander Berkeley (Mason from 24)! Though I found Fur and Loathing to be rather strange. Oh, and there just needs to be more Warrick. Thanks.

Miss Match – This show is sooo cute. I love what I’ve seen but honestly? Friday nights just don’t work for me. I think Kate and Michael are gorgeous together, though, so maybe I should make it a point to record the show so I can see if anything has happened with them. Anyone know?

American Dreams – My precious precious show. I am alarmed that NBC has cut this season’s order from 22 to 18. It breaks my heart. I think this show gets better and better each week. I love everyone in the Pryor and Walker families and I hope that NBC realizes that there are many more stories to tell.

Alias – Still a can’t miss show for me but I don’t obsess over the show as much as I once did. My Syd/Vaughn loving heart just can’t take it! lol. But seriously, I still have yet to fully accept the 2 year time jump. I still feel a little cheated. I wanted to see Marshall and Carrie have a relationship! I wanted to see Dixon get promoted! Agghhh… useless resistance, I know.

Phew… even though I dropped a few shows, I still watch a ton of TV. I’m an addict, hehe.

Still feeling sick. Bah. I need to lie down.