Boo. I’m sick. My face is all red and my nose makes me look like Rudolph and I am plowing through my tissue box like there’s no tomorrow. Plus, it’s been super super hot lately. So instead of being happy and enjoying the weather, I’m actually miserable because the warm weather is making me all sweaty and uncomfortable. Awesome.
I think I may have found my new reality TV obsession for the summer — Fame. I was actually planning on watching the encore of the Dawson’s Creek finale (*sniff*) but I happened to be channel-hopping and found it. It’s some good stuff. Dancing was a huge part of my high school and college life so I love the dancing aspect to this show. I really liked Alex (I think?) from tonight’s group of 6 — he was the one that sang “Just Friends.” His voice was just gorgeous. Wowzers. He made me meeellllltttt. Mmmm.
Fandom meme (what *does* this word mean?) stolen from Jessica:
Fandom: Dawson’s Creek
What drew you to this fandom?
First, it was just the spoilers and then ultimately, it became about the people I met. Back in season 3, I was desperately searching the internet to find spoilers for the season 3 finale. I just *had* to know if it was going to end with Pacey and Joey. I found the spoilers by way of Fan Forum but I also discovered a really great community where I didn’t have to hide my obsessive fan!girly quirks.
Are you involved in the fanfic world for this fandom?
Does reading count? Cause I definitely don’t write fanfic, lol. For DC, I especially love Nik at Pages of True Love, Laura Smith at Never Thought I’d Be Here, and Kaytee (though she no longer has her work archived anywhere). I don’t really have a lot of time to be looking for fic so I usually have to depend on recs.
Are you involved in any (other) web community for this fandom?
I’m a member of the Creek Network. We’re just a group of Creek-loving webmasters who all run a variety of DC sites.
What are your three favorite episodes?
This actually changes all the time (hey, I’m fickle) but for now: Detention (106), True Love (323) and All Good Things…Must Come to An End (623/624).
What was your favorite story arc? (spanning at least three episodes, not necessarily in a row)
Pacey and Joey’s love story in late season 3 and season 4. They’re my most favorite TV couple ever.
Favorite character to love:
Jen. Michelle Williams was definitely the most under-used actor on the show but in the few scenes she did have, she always managed to convey a real depth and vulnerability to the character that made her so likeable.
Favorite character to hate:
Eddie. Gah. “Why won’t you get with me?” Ewwww.
Character who, throughout the series managed to surprise you the most:
Pacey. Always considered the “loser” of the bunch, he has consistently proved to the others and, more importantly, to himself, that he is capable of much more than anyone ever expected of him.
Favorite non-actor person on the set:
Gina Fattore, one of the writers. She has written some of the best Pacey/Joey episodes: Four to Tango (309), The Longest Day (320), True Love (323), and Future Tense (404)… to name a few.
Least favorite non-actor person on the set:
Jason Palmer, a writers’ assistant. He has been responsible for the “Ask Jason” section of the official site for the last 2 seasons, in which he consistently gives the worst answers to questions and he thinks he’s funny. He also wrote the horrific episode Lovelines (619). Just awful.
Strangest name you remember appearing on the screen after the opening credits:
Obi Ndefo. He played Bodie. I just think it’s a cool-looking name and I’ve always wondered how to pronounce it.
Best piece of dialogue:
“I remember everything.” — Pacey to Joey in The Anti-Prom (322). Such a beautiful scene that made me melt.
Best. moment. ever.
Joey running after Pacey to tell him she’s in love with him in True Love (323). I love the way Joey anxiously runs to the dock to catch Pacey before he can leave — and the way Pacey’s face lights up when she says that she’s in love with him.
Shippiest. moment. ever.
When Joey chooses Pacey in the series finale. YAY!
Of all your fandoms, why pick this one for the meme?
It’s the only one that I consider myself an active participant in. 🙂