It doesn’t look like I’ll be finishing the 50 Book Challenge. I barely hit the halfway point! 🙁 I thought this would be easier than it is — if only I had enough money to buy books every week. I really should get myself to a library but I have a problem when it comes to returning books. Heh.
Brief thoughts and possible spoilers? I’ll be vague.
19. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by JK Rowling, 652p
My initial review is over here. I’m sure I’m going to reread this book. Probably when Potter mania hits in November. 😀
20. I Do But I Don’t by Cara Lockwood, 335 p
Chick lit. Was one of my impulse bargain book purchases. A wedding planner, an obnoxious bride, and mistaken identities…
21. Every Boy’s Got One by Meg Cabot, 328 p
I normally love Meg Cabot’s books but this one was a little disappointing. I loved the back and forth banter between the heroine and her object of affection… it’s just that the whole scenario of the two of them being thrown together was waaaayyy too fast. The entire book took place within the span of a week!
22. Bourne Identity by Robert Ludlum, 535 p
Whoa, totally different from the movie! That was my first impression. 🙂 But seriously, this book took me forever to get through (a few months — how embarrassing!). Part of the problem was the small font (my eyes were killing me when reading). But really, I’m blaming the story. It was intense. Like the kind of intense that you just have to put the book down because you can’t take it anymore. Phew. Anyway, I did enjoy the book (once I finally finished it) and I’ve already picked up The Bourne Supremacy. I’m sure that’ll take me another few months.
23. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by JK Rowling, 870 p
24. Shopaholic and Sister by Sophie Kinsella, 352 p
The novelty of the Shopaholic series is gone. I loved Rebecca in the first 2 books but after her wedding in the third book and now her adventures of meeting her sister in this fourth book, I’m tired. She drives me crazy with her shopping and rationalizations and just plain selfishness. I hope this series is over cause I know I’ll be tempted to read the next one. Still love Luke, though. *swoon* Is it weird to love a fictional character? 🙂
25. The Dirty Girls Social Club by Alisa-Valdes Rodriguez, 308 p
More chick lit (I’ve resorted to chick lit because it is *much* faster for me to get through). This time about a group of friends in their late twenties and their respective lives, loves, and careers. This was a little more substantial that the “typical” chick lit I read. It was even a little depressing (or maybe it’s just realistic), especially with regards to relationships.
26. Goddess For Hire by Sonia Singh, 305 p
This book was recommended to me by a co-worker. It’s about a 30 year old woman (with no direction in life) who suddenly finds out that she’s a Hindu goddess destined to fight evil. Very Buffy the Vampire Slayer-ish. Cute.
27. The Boy Next Door by Meg Cabot, 374 p
Found this for $4.98 on the bargain table at Barnes & Noble. Score! This was the last of the ‘Boy’ books that I had to read. Enjoyed it (as usual) but again, the resolution came way too quickly for me. Or maybe it’s that the pacing of the book seemed too fast. I guess that can attributed to the format (it’s written through a series of emails exchanged between the characters) — everything seems like no time has passed since there’s no actual descriptions of anything. I believe the book actually spans six months but while reading, I could have sworn it was only a few weeks.
I’ve been seeing lots of commercials for that movie In Her Shoes with Cameron Diaz and Toni Collette… makes me want to read the book (the movie looks… okay). Maybe that’ll be my next read? I also want to try Meg Cabot’s Mediator series (recced by Sarah). Hmmm.